SALIS-Anna University one day seminar on Future Libraries on 30.12.2006
One day Seminar on Future Libraries Jointly Organized by University Library, Anna University & Society for the Advancement of Library & Information Science(SALIS)- Chennai Chapter Date: 30 December 2006 Venue :Vivekananda Auditorium, Anna University, Chennai 600 025 About the Seminar: Libraries are undergoing tremendous changes due to impact of globalization, economic competition and revolution of ICT. Internet, web resources, digital libraries, ICT tools and techniques, etc have made a significant change in the existing library system services. Library resources are being made available in a variety of medias and formats. Libraries are not in a position to subscribe print and e-resources for a variety of reasons and constraints. Technology, methods and procedures, standards, formats and medias, have been changing rapidly for creating, organizing, processing, storing and accessing the resources. It is a major challenge before the Librarians to cope with the new technological and digital challenges. On the other hand, the requirements of the users also change frequently due to information explosion/overload, proliferation, fusion and fission of new subjects and research areas. Accessing, filtering, evaluating the right information and provide to the right users is a major task of the future librarians. Objective: The objective of the seminar is to provide a platform for the participants to discuss, plan and prepare for the future libraries. Sub-themes of the Seminar: Functions and services of future Libraries Requirements of future users Digital Libraries Initiatives, Institutional Repositories, OAI, Metadata Content creation, Portal, Search Engines Consortia, Management of Digital and Web Resources ICT Implementation Capacity Building Initiatives Skills, Role, Challenges and opportunities of future Librarians Threats Preparing for the future Resource Persons: Senior Library professionals and experts from reputed institutions Target Participants : Library and Information Science(LIS) professionals working in Engineering, Arts & Science Colleges, Polytechnic Colleges, Research Institutions, Public Libraries, Corporate Bodies and Software Companies Registration Fee: Rs.250/- (SALIS Members, students and trainees) Rs.300/- non members Registration fee includes seminar kit, working lunch, tea and snacks. Spot registration will also be done Completed registration form can be sent to: Dr. K. Nithyanandam Organising Secretary & University Librarian, Anna University Chennai- 600 025. 22352174/22203336/22203406 Cell 09444337936/9841115092 One day Seminar on Future Libraries Registration Form 1.Name: 2.Designation: 3.Qualification: 4.Name of Organization: 5.Address for Communication: 6. Tel: Off: Res: 7. Cell: 8. E-mail: 9. Fax: 10. Fee Particulars: DD. No. Dated Amount (DD in favour of Director i/c, University Library, Anna University' payable at Chennai) Signature of the Participant Details about the seminar will be posted at: E-mail: A.Hariharan Structural Engineering Research Centre CSIR Campus Taramani Chennai - 600 113 Cell: 9841601901 Off:044-22549133 -------------------------------------------------- SALIS B2-Solai Apatments Mount-Poonamallee Road ( Garden) Chennai - 600 116 Tel: 044-22522448/42014772 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Want to start your own business? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.
participants (1)
Arunachalam Hariharan