VISIT this site URL: ------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PARTICIPATION WORKSHOP ON EXPLOITING THE INTERNET/WEB POTENTIAL - EIP 2003 July 10-13, 2003 Organisers: INFLIBNET Centre- IUC of University Grants Commission, Ahmedabad Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumpudur Digital Information Research Foundation, Chennai. Venue: Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumpudur 602 105. Tamilnadu Participants: Library and Information Community, Academia and Industry Scope and theme: In developed nations, for many sections of society, the World Wide Web is becoming an essential part of everyday life. Whether being used for commerce, research, education or leisure, one of the key features of the web is the ease with which individuals can publish, access and use on-line information. Even in a short space of time, sophisticated and exciting results can be achieved with relative simplicity. In European countries Internet use is used as an indicator to know the progress of the society, like per-captia Income is used to measure the economic progress of a country. However in a country like India, Internet is not properly used and even not understood by the people. This makes the gap between developed and developing countries widen. The educational institutions and research organizations have a major role to play in making the citizens as netizens. The Internet is the single greatest source for information in human history. It is responsible for a revolution in how people inform themselves. While there are sources relevant to virtually any user's query, the morass of web resources presents a formidable hurdle to effectively accessing the information. The identification and retrieval of web information is determined by the efficiency of the searchers. To the common user of web, the searching is confined to the search engine by employing a typical key word search. The current searches result in retrieving a large number of sites and pages, where more than 95 % of the retrieval is irrelevant and the most relevant pages remain invisible to the search mechanism. The searching becomes an art as well as science. There are some inevitable facts: - Internet access is not expensive; rather it is affordable - Majority of Internet users do not know the absolute potential of it - Searching in the web is not confined to just search engines - Web is highly volatile, unstructured and unprocessed environment - The users are not good at expressing their information need - Interfaces are not good at representing the need - The indexes and spiders are poor at translating the document concepts into representational keywords - The Internet is a fast changing environment; resources and information that are available today may not be available tomorrow - Internet contains ephemeral, transitional and enduring information. Exploiting enduring information is an art This workshop seeks to bring and make known the underlying technologies required to navigate to the world of web. This workshop is not just confined to the searching of Internet but aims to make the participants well versed with the Internet World. Content: (Brief) WWW - Internet and Intranet Hypertext-Hyperlinks- Searching, browsing and navigation Search engines, classified directories - relevancy ranking Mailing lists, list servers File formats and Web supporting software Web resources, Subject information gateways and portals Web information processing Web archiving - personal file server- personalization of web Home pages - Online learning Search tips and techniques- search failures - new technology for smarter searching- And many more. Participants Level: Participants can be either novice or regular users of Internet. They can be at varied levels - novice, average or experienced. If participants are heterogeneous, they will be divided into two batches for training and hands on experience. Mode of Delivery: The content delivery would be in the form of theory classes with adequate illustrations, demonstrations, practical, interactions, discussions and hands-on exercises with opportunities for questions and discussion. Course materials contain workshop manual, presentation slides and other relevant materials. Benefits: By the end of the training module, the participants will have the following. � Seen examples of Internet facilities such as file transfer and effective identification of resources � Navigating the web world and exploring the invisible web, including those used for teaching and research � Identify the characteristics of web information � Exploring advanced searching techniques and strategies Identifying the hidden resources in Internet Independent web information searcher, self-publisher, information aggregator and user. Workshop Fees: Rs. 3000/- (sponsored from academic and research organizations) Rs. 2000/(personal participation) Rs. 5000/-(from industry) The fees include registration, course materials, food, accommodation and Internet access. Faculty: Eminent Internet and web experts from academic and research organizations and industry. Organising Committee: Chair: Dr. T A V Murthy Director- INFLIBNET Centre Gujarat University Campus Navarangpura, Ahmedabad Members: Professor S.Muthukaruppan Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Sriperumpudur- 602 15.TN Dr.P.Pichappan (Course Director) Annamalai University & Digital Information Research Foundation Chennai Dr.Daisy Jacobs School of Information Technology University of Pretoria Pretoria South Africa Dr.Farideh Osareh School of Library and Information Science Shadid Chamran University Ahwax Iran B.Ramesh Scientist - INLIBNET) INFLIBENT Centre Gujarat University Campus Navarangpura Ahmedabad T.Jesuraj (Organising Secretary) Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Sriperumpudur- 602 15.TN WORKSHOP ON EXPLOITING THE INTERNET/WEB POTENTIAL EIP 2003 (JULY 10 - 13, 2003) REGISTRATION FORM Name Dr/Mr/Ms. : (in block letters) Designation and Institution Address : Nature of Work: Knowledge of Computer use: No/Medium/ High Internet/Web Knowledge: No/Medium/High Mailing Address : Telephone No. : (with STD Code) Fax : E-mail : Particulars of payment : DD No. date Demand drafts should be drawn in favour of the Organising Secretary, Workshop on EXPLOITING THE POTENTIAL OF INTERNET/WEB, and send to:, Organising Secreatary, Workshop on EPI, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumpudur 602105. TN. Signature of the applicant For Registration contact: T.Jesuraj Organising Secretary - EIP 2003 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Sriperumpudur 602 105. TN Email: Phone: 04111-262352, 262321, 262530 Or B. Ramesh Scientist-B INFLIBNET Gujarat University Campus Navrangpura, Ahmedabad Email: Ph 91-79-6305971/4695 Fax: 91-79-6300990 Or Digital Information Research Foundation 3/76 Vanchinathan Street, Periyar Salai Palavakkam Chennai 600 041. Email: ---------------------------------------------- INFLIBNET Centre Ahmedabad __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).
participants (1)
JK Vijayakumar