This message is being posted to several mailing lists. Kindly excuse cross
This is to inform the potential participants to the XXIII IATLIS National
Conference (IATLIS-2006), being organized by the Department of Library &
Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala (Punjab) from 23-25
November 2006.
The invitation and call for papers for this conference has been posted on
several national and international mailing lists. We are receiving
encouraging response from LIS professionals in India and abroad for
participation in the conference. In view of this, there is going to be
fierce competition for accommodation. The intending participants are
requested to confirm their participation, need for accommodation, and send
their registration fee to the Organizing Secretary latest by 04 November
2006. This will help us in making arrangements for lodging of participants.
It will be very difficult for us to arrange accommodation for those
participants whose registration fee and confirmation for participation is
received by the Organizing Secretary after 04 November 2006. In that case,
participants will have to arrange for accommodation on their own. For more
information on accommodation in Patiala, visit
For other details, intending participants can contact:
Prof. Jagtar Singh, Organising Secretary XXIII IATLIS National Conference,
Dept of Library & Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala 147002
(Punjab) India.
Telephone: 0175-3046179, 3046180. Email:
participants (1)