Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 06:30:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: cal_sms
Dear Ms Susmitha Ramesh: Why don't you go for AutoLib, a software
designed by AutoLib Software system.You can look into the details for the
software at: Ours is a research library and
we are working with this software quite comfortably. You can also have a
look at the demo of the software. This software is relatively cheaper than
others you mentioned.
Thanks, S. M. Shahabuddin[Programme Associate M S
Swaminathan Research Foundation Taramani,
----original message ----
Dear Professionals,Can you help me to figure out the different sources for
availing theLibrary Software, which works out economically - though i have
a few inmind like -Slim ++LibsoftLibsysEasy LibEdupro etc.,Can I have any
contacts in Bangalore where the authorised can provide uswith a demo. Ours
is a IT company, which is newly organised with 400 booksand few business
and IT magazines.Also dear professionals can you help me out how to equip
the library withmodern amenities for storage and retrieval in a special
library.Dear Professionals - Can we come out with a new profile - which is
achallenging for library professionals - without much
technicalqualification/knowledge but with couple of years of experience,
which isdiffer! ent from the services, like CAS, Reference service, SDI
etc.Any suggestions, please share with the undersigned.
Regards,Susmitha Ramesh