---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Naina Pandita
Date: Nov 30, 2005 12:20 PM
Subject: [medlib] Biomedical Information Retrieval.
To: medlib@yahoogroups.com
Dear Friends,
As you are already aware that the Indian Medlars Centre (IMC), NIC,
New Delhi is conducting a 4 day-training programme on "Biomedical
Information Retrieval" in December 2005 (20th-23rd). This programme
would cover searching of Internet biomedical resources including NLM
Gateway and PubMED. In addition this would also include searching
IMC's databases - IndMED, medIND and OpenMED Archive. There is no
course fee and it includes lunch, tea and all course material (plus
free Internet access during practise sessions). However, we wont be
able to arrange accomadation as NIC, New Delhi does not have a guest
house attached with it.
Nominations from private medical institutions (excluding drug
companies) and clinicians, academicians and researchers are welcome to
participate in this programme. Please remember there would be no
course fee charged for this programme. To get more details and to
download the nomination
form please visit the following TRAINING link on our homepafe
For more clarfications you are welcome to contact the Course
Coordinator, Mrs. Rekha Gupta. Ph: 011-24364265/011-24305533 and
email: g.rekha@nic.in
Naina Pandita
Project Coordinator, IMC