Report of the seminar at RNSIT

Dear Moderator, Can you publish this report in the forum for the benefit of fellow professionals please Regards, Gayathri Sen PESIT National Seminar on Management of Digital Information Sources, Services and Systems: A Report National seminar on Library and Information Science on the theme “Management of Digital Information Sources, Services and Systems " was organised by RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore from July 29-30, 2010. The registration started by 9 am on July 29th, 2010 at RNSIT, Placement Seminar Hall. Around 105 delegates attended the two-day seminar with the participation of professionals from various parts of India. INAUGURAL PROGRAM was held at the Placement Seminar Hall between 10 to 11.30 AM. Program started by Mrs. Shobha, organizing secretary calling upon Sridevi and Latha for the invocation song. Dr.Uma Dean, faculty gave the welcome address. She said that being a lover of books from her childhood and fond of visiting libraries this programme was very dear to her. She said how information after assimilation becomes knowledge to wisdom, which after maturity gives meaning to life. She welcomed the dignitaries Prof..VG Talawar, honorable Vice Chancellor, University of Mysore, Dr. Siddamallaiah, Principal Library and Information officer, NIMHANS, IRN Gowdar, Ex head ICAST, NAL and advisor to MOU. Dr. Venkatesha, Principal, Mr.Hegde, Registrar and requested them to light the lamp. Dr. Goudar, Program director congratulated the management of RNSIT for their encouragement and support in conducting the seminar and deemed it an honour that an eminent personality like Prof. Talwar has consented to be the chief guest. He lauded Prof. Talawar for having brought out the Vision Document 2025, for UOM and for heralding the University for accomplishing the defined goals. He said how the ultimate goal of information management should result in user satisfaction and in the present digital era, how digital information in various formats has to be managed. He presented the structure of Technical Sessions and the Open Session concerned to the National Seminar on Digital Information Sources, Services and Systems. Mrs. Roopa Naik introduced Prof. Talwar and he was honored by a floral bookie and was request ed to give the inaugural address. Prof. Talwar was extremely pleased that in the centenary year of LIS education this seminar was being held. He wished the programme a great success. He said that information management by creating, managing, preserving, disseminating and providing access by using the latest ICT technologies is adding value for the country and society. He said how in different parts of the world libraries were burnt which had various types of collections including priceless paintings. The present tools of Library management like internet, satellites helps in preservation, access and adds visibility to the library. How the libraries should adopt the present day technologies, follow standards, best practices, create institutional repositories for user satisfaction. How use of Lib2 and web 2 , e resources, consortiums, open sources impacted growth of society. E publishing has defined the new role of librarian as an aggregator and access provider. He concluded by saying that this seminar has provided an opportunity for the LIS professional to discuss, consult and update their knowledge. Mr.Sridhar introduced the key note speaker Dr. Siddamalliah. Dr. HSS had a lot of questions and answers which made the audience to think. He spoke about the general perception of the users who think what is there to manage in libraries. The present transitionary stage of the libraries made us to wonder, whether we have to digitize all documents, if so what do we do with the print stuff? Weed it, burn it. He said though the present generation is tech savvy, the older generation still wants print media. He spoke about the different models for acquisition of e resources. He pointed out the draw backs of the digital libraries which distances people from social interaction unlike earlier traditional libraries which used to bring people together when they visit libraries. How web 2 materials are confusing people, when they cannot differentiate the peer review materials. But, how different models of e access like pay per view has reduced the budget requirement of libraries. He spoke about 2 models, need based and classical traditional model and how the present day library OPAC’s should provide a single window for all types of library materials. He concluded by saying that the librarian should go with the user and be user centric. This was followed by the presidential address by Prof, MK Venkatesha, Principal RNSIT. He humorously told that distance learning has made distanced learning. How his visits to IISC and NAL libraries enthralled him in his student days. He told librarians role is to attract the users to the library by providing best practices, resources and service. He also praised the looks of the seminar volume. Vote of thanks was delivered by Sri. Suresh Hedge Registrar. TECHNICAL SESSIONS: 29 July 2010 Program Director: Dr. I.R.N. Goudar Rapporteur General: Mrs. Gayathri Sen Technical Session I: 12 PM – 1.30 PM Theme: ICT Applications for LIS Chairman: Prof. TD Kemparaju, DLIS, Bangalore University Rapporteur : Mrs. Prema Malaghan, AIT Prof. TD Kemparaju, chaired the session on ICT application for LIS. 4.papers were presented at this session out of 7 papers. One paper by Anjali Bandiwadikar was from the fourth session.. Prof. TD Kemparaj impressed upon the gathering, regarding importance of attending such meetings for interaction. Sheela, Prakash and Chidananda Swamy presented 3 papers on the theme. Anjali spoke about disruptive technologies and also how the lib2 and web2 helps the users in the present times. Prof. Harinarayana of MOU commented about the survey undertaken from 200 libraries world wide, only 39 libraries adopted latest technologies. Prof. TDK concluded by saying how ICT is a potential tool for impact on library services. It creates better, wider, deeper usage for internal and external resources. ICT increases the visibility of libraries, librarians, Work culture and the encouraging polices of govt. has added to the plus points and bright and challenging days ahead. Technical Session II: 2.30 PM – 3.45 PM Theme: Library Automation and ILMs Chairman: Dr. KN Prasad, Executive Director, SRELS, Bangalore Rapporteur: Dr. Vinay Bankapur, SDMIT, Dharwad Out of the 14 papers in the session only 6 papers were presented by Satyabhama V, Sandesh S, Rathna Goudar, Sandeep, Nagajyothi and Venkataramana Reddy. Dr.KN Prasad, Chairman of the session remarked about the importance of judgement in selecting the software. How integrated library systems can take care of different housekeeping operations of the library and thanked all the authors for their presentation. Technical Session III: 4 PM – 5 PM Theme: Institutional Repositories and Search Engines Chairman: Dr. Poornima Narayana, Head, ICAST, NAL Rapporteur: Ms. Anjali Bandiwadkar, IIT, Indore Out of the 11 papers only 5 papers were presented in the 3rd session. Srinivas, Vinod Kumar Singh, Satish, Dr.Krishnamurthy, DRTC, and Suresh presented on the theme Institutional repositories and search engines. Most of the papers were on IR and discussion was done on different open source softwares like Dspace, GSDL etc. Srinivas’s paper on OCLC cataloguing evoked lot of interest by the audience and everybody thought it was a good initiative. Dr. Poornima concluded by saying that archive of institutional faculty output is the knowledge base of the institution and shows the direction the institution is taking and the projects they are working on. The 3rd session concluded by 6PM and the participants dispersed. 30 July 2010 Technical Session IV: 9.30 AM – 11 AM Theme: WB 2.0/LIB 2.0 Applications Chairman: Mr. Anand Byrappa, Manager, GEITC Rapporteur : Mr. Venkatesh, Asst. Librarian, MoU In this session 4 papers out of 9 on the theme LIB 2.0/WEB 2.0. were presented by Kannikaparameshwari, G, Ramachandraiah, Shivakumar Swamy and Vinay Bankapur . Chairman queried to know how many libraries have implemented Lib2. Study showed that many libraries do not have facility and users are not very keen to use Lib2. He said we have to think positively and start web 2 now and motivate the academic community to use this for the benefit of others. He concluded by saying LIS profession is driven by technology and there is no other option other than adapting it. Passion to excel in our profession is required. Make use of the seemless opportunities that we get by using it to our advantage. Technical Session V: 11.55 AM – 12.45 PM Theme: Digital Libraries Chairman: Dr. R.Srinivasan, Dean, R & D, RNSIT Rapporteur : Ms Anita Rai, New Horizon college of Engineering 4 papers were presented out of 10 papers on the theme Digital Library. Nagaraj, Vasantha, Malaghan and Banashankari presented the papers. The chairman started the session by addressing the gathering to say that the aversion to use the technology was because of lack of awareness and practice. How you are going to sell the concept of digital library to your users is the challenge of the day. He said that sites like came to the help of librarians. Dr. Goudar spoke about the e books and the tricky pricing models. Chairman concluded by commenting on the plagiarism in the current digital era and how librarians should play an important role to avoid plagiarism. There was a product presentation by Office Tech between 12.45 PM - 1.00 PM. Open session: 1.30 PM – 3.00 PM Theme: AICTE Norms and Standards for LIS Moderator: Dr. R. Krishnamurthy, Educational Adviser, RNSIT Panelists: Mrs Gayathri Sen, Head, Library & LRC, PESIT Dr. M. Krishnamurthy, DRTC Prof. Raju HOD, Computer Science Dept., RNSIT Chairman Dr. RK started the session by requesting Mrs. GS to elaborate on the theme and she detailed the earlier AICTE norms of 1996 and compared it to the present one uploaded on 14th June in AICTE web site. She also felt that there was a change and improvement in the reports demanded by AICTE from institutions over the past fifteen years. Now the reports were demanding for self appraisal of the institutions with reference to the stipulated norms. She said that Library staff intake should increase with increase of books, to provide efficient and timely service and their pay scales need to be looked into. Prof. M. Krishnamurthy of DRTC gave Dr.SR Ranganathan’s formula for staff requirements. SMTP- Staff required for Maintenance and Technical Processing has to be considered. He told about the number of Deputy Librarians, Asst. Librarians, Lib. Assts. in University library as per UGC norms and old engineering colleges are almost on par with university libraries. Prof. G T Raju emphasized the demands of the faculty as per teaching requirements should be immediately met. This may be possible by providing seed money to the librarian for immediate purchase. He said how user’s loose interest if they do not get what they want. The floor was left to the participants for discussion. Following points were discussed. Mrs. Malaghan felt the presence of a library professional when making library norms was needed. Mr.Puttaswamy felt, what is required by users has to be procured. The topic of having Book bank scheme was discussed, and both the chairman of the session Prof. R . Krishnamurthy and Mrs.Gayathri Sen disagreed with the concept of adding huge quantities of same titles and making the library voluminous. They felt variety and quality of content is more important to the knowledge base of an institution. Chairman remarked that all librarians should visit NAC web site to know the best practices in library and adopt it. He said that only new programmes in an existing institution need to follow latest AICTE norms and old colleges can continue the earlier norms for existing departments. Principal Prof. Venkatesha felt private institutions should be taken as partners in AICTE policy making. The Moderator had the following points to make: 1. Institutions should comply with norms of AICTE 2. Syllabus guided by university and the text books and reference books mentioned in the syllabus has to be procured. 3. As far as equipping the library, the web caters to many requirements. MITOCW, NPTEL, etc are freely available. 4. Present norms on acquisition is on higher side and it has to be moderated. 5. Libraries and the person heading it must have the freedom to purchase what they want based on the users demand. They should go to book shop and buy and make book requests. Principal Prof.Venkatesha felt private institutions should be taken as partners in AICTE policy making. The open session turned out as a very interesting part of the Seminar with maximum discussion on the crucial issue of AICTE Norms and standards for LIS. Technical Session VI: 3.0 PM – 5.0 PM Theme: Digital Libraries Chairman: Mr. N. Chowdappa , BMSCE Rapporteur : Ms Adilakshmi. In this session 4 papers were presented out of 9 papers in this session on Digital Library by Poornima, Manjunath, Anitha Rai and Kala. Ananda Byrappa made the observation on usage of news papers, online as well as print. Dr. Gowdar remarked how latest news can be got online 2 to 3 times by online subscriptions. Chairman concluded the session by thanking everybody. RECOMMENDATIONS : 1. ICT infrastructure in all institutions should be strengthened by way of providing better bandwidth to get immediate and speedy access to available e resources subscribed through MHRD consortia and direct subscriptions. 2. Librarians should evaluate the application softwares which they are going to adapt thoroughly, in terms of standardization, compliance, ease of use etc. It may be commercial or open source softwares like NewGenlib, Koha etc. 3. Creation of institutional repositories for building the knowledge base of the institution by using eprints, Dspace, Green stone etc. 4. Librarians should use open access resources along with subscribed resources to provide better access. 5. Train the users in search strategies for better usage of resources available and also adapt LIB2 & web 2 technologies. 6. Although engineering college libraries are members of National consortia like MHRD they should come together to supplement the resources not available through national consortia. 7. AICTE should consider apart from norms and standards for adding document resources, the human resource required, based on increasing collections. 8. AICTE should include minimum bandwidth of at least 2mbps specially for the library and corresponding increase depending upon intake, resources to be accessed. 9. Librarians should take information literacy activities in a big way. 10. All libraries should have their website which is linked to the main page of the institution, as it a media for showcasing the services the library is providing. 11. MLIS courses should have an elective paper like engineering and technology Information sources and services. UGC should take initiative in this direction. 12. Appropriate collection development and weeding out policy to be developed. 13. There is a need to do community analysis for developing public libraries. AICTE norms will be discussed in detail with all engineering college librarians, managements, authorities and the proposal sent to AICTE for consideration Valedictory Session: 5.0 PM- 6.0 PM Valedictory Address: Prof. Venkatesha Mrs.Gayathri Sen, Rapporteur General presented the report of the seminar with a brief account of the proceedings of two days sessions. Dr. Goudar, Program Director, read out the Recommendations culminating out of the presentations and discussions of the seminar. Based on his observations during the seminar he advised the participants about the guidelines to be followed to write quality papers and also gave tips to prepare effective power point presentations. Prof. Venkatesha with his humorous comments made the valedictory session, the most interesting part of the day. He remarked about the way one has to lead life by giving interesting stories as examples. The two days seminar was concluded by vote of thanks by Mrs. Shobha Prasad, the Organising Secretary. Dr. I.R.N. Goudar, Program Director Mrs. Gayathri Sen, Rapporteur General Mrs. Shobha Prasad, Organising Secretary -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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gayathri sen