Hi, Could anyone give me information about good business/market information/intelligence databases covering indian industry. Thanks and regards, Suvarsha
Sorry for replying late.
You can check some of the database listed below. These are not sorted in any manner. Most of them have coverage on India except perhaps, Lexis-Nexis:
1. Capital Market's Cyberline (http://www.capitaline.com/)
2. EIU Country Data Global (http://dataservices.bvdep.com/)
3. EIU Country Indicator Global (http://dataservices.bvdep.com/)
4. EIU ViewsWire (http://www.viewswire.com/)
5. CRISINFAC's Industry Information Service & Ecoview
6. Global Market Information Database (GMID) (http://www.euromonitor.com/gmid/)
7. ISI Emerging Markets (http://site.securities.com/)
8. LEXIS-NEXIS (http://www.lexisnexis.com/) (coverage: UK/USA)
9. Investext Plus (http://www.galegroup.com/)
10. Prowess (http://www.cmie.com/products/prowess/index.htm)
11. India Stat (http://www.indiastat.com/)
12. Reuters Business Insight (http://www.reutersbusinessinsight.com/)
13. India Business Insight Database (IBID) (http://ibid.informindia.co.in/)
I hope this will be of some help.
Suvarsha Walters
participants (2)
Saiful Amin
Suvarsha Walters