MILID Yearbook 2016; Call fpr Proposals
*MILID Yearbook 2016*
*Media and Information Literacy:*
*Reinforcing Human Rights, Countering Radicalization and Extremism*
*Call for Papers*
*Deadline for proposals: 31 January 2016*
Proposals are now being invited for articles to be published in the Media
and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) Yearbook 2016.
The MILID Yearbook is a peer reviewed academic publication and a joint
initiative of the UNESCO-UNAOC University Cooperation Programme on Media
and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue. The cooperation
programme was launched in 2011 within the framework of the UNESCO
University Twinning Programme (UNITWIN). The MILID University Network now
consists of 17 universities from all regions of the world. The MILID
Yearbook 2013, 2014 and 2015 have been published in cooperation with the
Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research (NORDICOM).
The objectives of the Yearbook are to:
Strengthen and deepen the knowledge concerning MILID on global, regional
and national levels including in the frame human rights, dialogue,
democracy and peace
Widen and deepen the collaboration and exchange between academics and
partners on media and information literacy
Visualize and stimulate research and practices within as well as outside
the UNITWIN Network in the field of MILID while promoting a more holistic
perspective of MIL.
*Theme of the Yearbook:*
2016 will be the first year of the implementation of the Sustainable
Development Goals. A renewed emphasis on a Human Rights-Based Approach to
all forms of development is apt and timely. While migration and peace
buidling as development challenges are not new to humankind. The world is
faced with levels of migration, that rival only the one that occured during
the Second World War, as well as new forms of violent terroism.
As negative and undesirable consequence, all over the world, there has been
a sudden rise in incidents of individuals using hate speech against
migrants, forced migration and minority communities or social groups,
blaming them for their nations’ struggles. The words used in politics, in
the news, in social media, in research studies, national reports and
general literature or debate about these human phenomena have consequences.
History has shown that rhetorical excesses, and imbalanced or biased
historical accounts of certain events in relation to any ethnic group,
place, culture or religion can give rise to a climate of prejudice,
discrimination and violence. It is this prejudices, discrimination and
violence that often compromises individual rights or equal rights to all –
the right to cultural and religious expressions, the right to security and
peace, the right to freedom of expression, the right to education, the
right to information, the right to associate or connect et al. Here,
Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “*All human beings
are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of
brotherhood*” is breached. It is this *reasoning* and *conscience* that the
acquisition of MIL competencies can stir in all peoples.
Furthermore, the ideological beliefs and dogmas that we firmly hold emanate
from our socialization. Socialization is embedded in information and
communication and increasingly taking place through technological
platforms, media and all forms of learning environment. When taken together
and coupled with the incidents of the use of social media by extremist and
violent organizations to radicalize and recruit especially young minds, the
relevance of MIL to enable citizens to challenge their own beliefs and
effectively and critically engage in these topics, and thus the integration
of MIL in formal, non-formal and informal settings becomes more urgent.
A rights-based approach to media and information literacy and to
development can play a crucial role in perceptions of the “other” by
encouraging reporting, research and analysis as well as the design and
implementation of development interventions that are objective,
evidence-based, inclusive, reliable, ethical and accurate, and by
encouraging individuals to take sound actions based on their rights and the
rights of others. Therefore, “*Media and Information Literacy: Reinforcing
Human Rights, Countering Radicalization and Extremism”* has been chosen as
the theme of the 2016 MILID Yearbook.
*Key Sub-themes:*
a. Community empowerment;
b. Hate speech;
c. Radicalization and extremism;
d. Gender Equality;
e. Interreligious discourses in the media
All articles submitted must be linked to one of the sub-themes above in *the
context of media and information literacy.* Special attention should be
given to the intercultural dimensions of these areas. Papers should engage
the reader to understand media and information literacy beyond their home
country or professional area of competence. The focus of the papers must
be on media and information literacy and dialogue and connect to the
theme *“Media
and Information Literacy: Reinforcing Human Rights, Countering
Radicalization and Extremism”* All papers must demonstrate a connection
with at least three of the the following components:
Yearbook theme and sub-themes
Relevant dimensions of the Global Alliance for Partnerships on MIL
(GAPMIL) Framework and Plan of Action
Content includes research findings, theories, or reflects learned
experiences and best practices in either application of MIL, teaching,
curriculum design, or how individual or groups use MIL competencies
A topic of global interest that helps to increase visibility for the
Author’s academic, professional or experiential leadership in the field
To ensure originality and avoid repetition, all prospective authors are
encouraged to browse the previous editions of the MILID Yearbook on this
The Yearbook will include articles from MILID university network (called
partners or member universities) as well as experts or practitioners
outside of the network. Equal value is placed on both the groups.
*Please assure that the proposal for your article is received via email no
later than 31 January 2016. *
More information @
Authors will be notified of acceptance by 28 February 2016.
Authors should be prepared to submit full articles by 31 March 2016.
Length: 3,000 to 5,000 words (approximately 10-13 pages double-spaced)
*Please use the APA Style for the purpose of articles.*
Proposal submission form attached.
Email your proposals to *
participants (1)
Jagtar Singh