Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:25:38 +0530
From: Subbiah Arunachalam
At one minute past midnight on July 20, the UK House of Commons Science and
Technology Committee released the long-awaited report on its inquiry into
journal prices and open access. Considering that India and other developing
countries stand to gain by adopting open access far more than advanced
countries such as the United Kingdom, I suggest that donor agencies in India
insist that all publications resulting from their support be placed in
interoperable institutional archives. A little bit of training may be
necessary as well as decent Internet connections in universities and
research institutions.
Here's Peter Suber's summary of the major recommendations:
Moderator's Note
Since the Summary and excerpts from the UK report has already been
circulated through a another posting, it has been truncated from this
- moderator