PHD Course Work @ Mysore Uni
---------- Forwarded message ---------- khaiser nikam khaisernikam at Date: Thu Jun 21 16:26:23 IST 2012 Dear Research Scholars for the year 2012 I am pleased to inform that the research scholars appearing for PhD course work in Library and Information Science at University of Mysore, Mysore, that the Department Council and the Course Work Committee (CWC)(CWC) has decided to hold the presentations for paper II - Review of Literature in the area of research on 25th, 26th & 27th June 2012 from 10.30 AM on words, each day at the department. The details about number of batches and the notice for the internal examination for paper I: Advanced Research Methodology which is scheduled to be held at the department on 7/7/2012 between 2.30 PM to 4.30 PM is put up on the University Website-PHD COURSE DETAILS: (Ref)- Prof. KHAISER NIKAM DOSLISC, MySore Univ. MGM
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