Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 21:51:01 -0800
From: Subbiah Arunachalam
Bealls List of Predatory Publishers 2013
By Jeffrey Beall
Released December 4, 2012
The gold open-access model has given rise to a great many new online
publishers. Many of these publishers are corrupt and exist only to make
money off the author processing charges that are billed to authors upon
acceptance of their scientific manuscripts.
There are two lists below. The first includes questionable, scholarly
open-access publishers. Each of these publishers has a portfolio that
ranges from just a few to hundreds of individual journal titles.
The second list includes individual journals that do not publish under the
platform of any publisher they are essentially independent, questionable
In both cases, we recommend that researchers, scientists, and academics
avoid doing business with these publishers and journals. Scholars should
avoid sending article submissions to them, serving on their editorial
boards or reviewing papers for them, or advertising in them. Also, tenure
and promotion committees should give extra scrutiny to articles published
in these journals, for many of them include instances of author misconduct.
There are still many high-quality journals available for scholars to
publish in, including many that do not charge author processing fees. An
additional option is author self-archiving of articles in
discipline-specific and institutional repositories.
The author is grateful to the many colleagues who have shared information
about potential predatory publishers. Last years list included 23
publishers, and this years has over 225, evidence of the rapid growth in
the number of predatory journals and publishers. This list will be updated
throughout the year at the blog *Scholarly Open Access*,
The criteria for inclusion in the lists can be found
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