American Association of Pediatrics with Informatics

Dear Forum members, Greetings from Informatics !!! We would like to announce in the forum that Informatics has signed up with “*American Association of Pediatrics’’*. The academy was founded in 1930 by 35 pediatricians to address pediatric healthcare standards. It has the largest pediatric publishing program in the world, with more than 300 titles for consumers and over 500 titles for physicians and other health-care professionals. These publications include electronic products, professional references/textbooks, practice management publications, patient education materials and parenting books. Pediatrics health is a major issue in India and we believe that a healthy child leads to a healthy nation. To support this endeavor, Informatics is bringing these content at affordable prices for all Institutions including hospitals. The content is available in both subscription and perpetual access models All the eBooks are hosted on a leading eBook portal meant for Indian Institutions. Thanks and Regards Madhav Kopalle Sr Manager & Product Head eBooks Division - Informatics Tel: +91 (0) 80-4038-7777 (Extn. 1002) *|* Mob: +91 99729 20055 Web: *|* E*-*mail*:* -- *Confidentiality Notice: *T*his electronic message transmission, including any attachment(s), may contain confidential, proprietary, or privileged information from Informatics Publishing Limited. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any dissemination, copying, distribution, printing or use of the contents of the information contained in this electronic message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message by error, please destroy all copies of the message and contact the sender immediately by either replying to this message or calling 91-80-40387777.* -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Madhav Kopalle