fw: ICIM2005 at Mumbai February 21-25, 2005

Sorry for cross postings! More details available at conference Website http://www.icim2005.org/ Indian Association of Special Libraries and Inform ation Centres (IASLIC) will be hosting International Conference on Information Management in a Knowledge Society (ICIM-2005) to commemorate its GOLDEN JUBILEE celebrations at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai (Bombay), February 21-25, 2005 Website http://www.icim2005.org/ Objectives The objective of the conference is to juxtapose knowledge construction and development through various information management processes and then associated technologies. The conference will provide a platform for bringing to the fore local and global initiatives in this area encompassing research as well as practical applications. This interaction is expected to create understanding of the needs of the various players in the creation of knowledge. Call for Papers Theme : Information Management in a Knowledge Society ICIM 2005 invites original papers and case studies on various facets of the conference theme, as listed here. Knowledge Society � Leveraging Information for Knowledge � Characteristics of Knowledge Society - e-governance, e-learning, etc. � Virtual Communities � Digital Divide � Triangle of Knowledge Society: Freedom, Censorship and Security � IPR and Cyber Laws � Policy Support : National, Regional and Institutional Levels � Technological Support : NII (National Information Infrastructure) Internet, www, etc. � Institutional Infrastructure : Information Centres and Depositories including HRD. Information Management � Organization of Traditional and Electronic Resources Cataloguing, Metadata, XML, Dublin Core, Web Cataloguing, etc. Architecture, Ontologies, Natural Language Processing, Intelligent Mediators, etc. � Resource Discovery Tools - Search Engines, Directories, Semantic Web, Intelligent Retrieval, Multi and Cross Lingual Retrieval, Information Audit, etc. Knowledge Management � Knowledge Assets � Knowledge Sharing in Organizations : Models and Mechanisms � Organizational Learning � Knowledge Initiatives in Corporate, Govt, Academic & Voluntary Sectors. � Information Mapping : Data Mining, Data Warehousing, etc. � Technological Tools : Intranets, Extranets, CSCW, etc. Digital Libraries: Design & Usability � New Technologies and Adaptability � Digital Library Development: Technical Issues � Content Management and Structuring � Web Design and Interfaces � Digital Preservation � Digital Resource Sharing & Networking: Consortia, Open Archives, etc. Guidelines for Paper Submission Abstract of not more than 300 words to be submitted by June 30, 2004. Acceptance will be confirmed by July 31, 2004. Full paper to be submitted by October 31, 2004. Submission has to be in MS Word format, Times New Roman 12 points font. Subheadings should be bold, not underlined. Bibliographic references should be given at the end of the article under the heading Reference. All papers must be original and after acceptance IASLIC will hold the copyright. A committee of experts will review all contributions and their choice will be final. On the recommendation of the expert committee some papers will be chosen for presentation at the Conference. The remaining selected papers will be displayed during the Poster Sessions. All accepted papers will be presented in the Conference Proceedings which will be distributed at the Conference. Registration The registration fee covers the conference kit, conference proceedings, lunches, inaugural dinner and teas. It does not include the other meals and accommodation. Registration Fee Delegates Tutorial Conference Conference & Tutorial India & SAARC Countries Rs. 1500 Rs. 6000 Rs. 7500 Concessional Charges** Rs. 1500 Rs. 5000 Rs. 6500 Foreign US$ 100 US$ 300 US$ 400 An early bird incentive of US$ 50 will be allowed for registration made before June 30, 2004 for foreign delegates and for Indian and SAARC countries delegates 10% on the conference fee for registration made upto October 31, 2004. ** For students, Retired Library Science Professionals and IASLIC Members. Registration Confirmation Confirmation of registration will be sent upon receipt of the completed registration form and payment. Cancellation & Substitution Policy No cancellation or refund will be possible after a firm registration has been made. However, substitutions may be made. Please indicate the name & other necessary details, of the delegate who will replace the original registrant by December 31, 2004 Important Dates June 30, 2004 Last day for early bird incentive of $50 to foreign delegates. Last day for abstract submission October 31, 2004 Last day for 10% concession to Indian and SAARC country delegates Last day for full paper submission. Organising Committee Chairman Dr. D Kamalavijayan General Manager & Chief Librarian Reserve Bank of India Central Office Mumbai - 400 001 Tel.: 022 - 2265 5127 Fax : 022 - 2265 4993 E-mail : kamalavijayan@hotmail.com Convener Mr. Dharmendra Sachan Chief Learning Officer Bank of Baroda Baroda Corporate Centre C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051. Tel.: 022 - 5698 5202 E-mail : clo.bcc@bankofbaroda.com Members Prof. Harsha Parekh Prof. Vijaya Rajhansa Dr. Bharati Sen Dr. Vijai Kumar Dr. D Jotwani Dr. Ramesh Gaur Mr. M B Meshram Dr. S K Savanur Mr. Girish Kunkur Ms. Usha Sunil Mr. D D Mistry Dr. Medha Joshi Prof. N R Satya Narayana Dr. A R D Prasad Prof. S B Ghosh Mr. Deepak Kumar Nag Dr. J N Satpathi Mr. T Ashok Babu International Programme Committee Prof. Marcia Bates (USA) Mr. Thomas H. Davenport (USA) Dr. Stephen Denning (World Bank) Dr. Foy Durrant (West Indies) Prof. Schubert Foo (Singapore) Dr. G.E. Gorman (New Zealand) Mr. Daniel Greenstein (USA) Prof. Susan Hockey (UK) Dr. Sjoerd Koopman (IFLA) Dr. Gail Macmillan (USA) Prof. Donald Marchand (Switzerland) Prof. Gary Marchionini (USA) Dr. Alan D. Marwick (USA) Mr. Danny O'Hare (USA) Mr. Axel Plathe (France) Mr. Larry Prusak (USA) Prof. Raj Reddy (USA) Ms. Pamela Samuelson (USA) Dr. Hussain Suleman (South Africa) Dr. Bob Usherhood (UK) Mr. Stuart L. Weibel (USA) National Programme Committee Prof. N. Balakrishnan (IISc) Mr. Ganesh Natarajan (Zensar/CII) Dr. Ramesh Gaur (TIFR) Dr. S. B. Ghosh (IGNOU) (Co-Convr.) Dr. D. Kamalavijayan (RBI) Dr. Mohinder Singh (DESIDOC) Dr. T.A. V. Murthy (INFLIBNET) Mr. Deepak K. Nag (IASLIC) Prof. Harsha Parekh (SNDT) Dr. A. R. D. Prasad (DRTC) Dr. K. S. Raghavan(MU) Dr. T. B. Rajasekhar (IISc) Prof. V. P. Rajhansa(MU) Dr. S. Sadagopan (IIITB) Mr. B. P. Sanjay (IIMC) Prof. N. L. Sarda ( IITB ) Dr. N. R. Satyanarayana (LU) Dr. S. K. Savanur (WRIC) Dr. Bharati Sen (SNDT) (Convr.) Dr. Aditya Sood (CKSB) Mrs. M.Thenmozhi (IITC) More details available at conference Website http://www.icim2005.org/ __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam http://mail.yahoo.com
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JK Vijayakumar