Koha Training Feedback

Dear LIS Members, Through the forum I would take the opportunity to appreciate and congratulate Mr. V.K.Mishra and Mr. D.P.Tripathi on conducting a superb training in Koha & Joomla during the workshop at NIT, Rourkela. Their sincere commitment and dedication is an example to be followed by all library professionals. "Service before Self" is the motto that I could truly see in action during the 4 days of training. Their expert knowledge in Koha is an advantage to the community. I would highly recommend the training. I hope they would conduct again in future. Empowering librarians to be independent in driving a library is their life motto, which I could sense. I hope that the other participants also share the same view. Best Wishes Sir for your team and future efforts that you plan to undertake in this direction. Sincere Regards, -- *Binu Thomas* | Sr. Project Manager Éclat Engg Pvt. Ltd. | E-212 Titanium City Center | Anandnagar Road | Ahmedabad - 380015 | INDIA *M:* +91-8460206292 | *E:*binu@eclateng.com mailto:binu@eclateng.com?Subject=Hello Website:www.remotexs.in http://www.remotexs.in -- This email (including any file attachments) is for the use of intended recipient(s) only. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete it. Éclat Engg Pvt. Ltd. accepts no liability for loss or damage caused by software viruses and you are advised to carry out a virus check on any attachments contained in this message. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Binu Thomas