KALA’s Librarian’s Day Celebrations for the year 2014 – A Report

Greetings from Karnataka State Library Association (KALA)! KALA like to share with you brief report of the KALA’s activity on “Librarians’ Day - 2014” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E V E N T: Librarian’s Day Celebrations for the year 2014 O R GA N I S E R: Karnataka State Library Association (KALA) D A T E & V E N U E: 12th August 2014, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India. C O L L A B A R O A T O T R S: 1. Raman Research Institute (RRI) 2. Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science (SRELS) 3. Ranganathan Centre for Information Studies 4. ISKO (India Chapter) 5. Informatics (India) Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karnataka State Library Association (KALA) in collaboration with above organisations celebrated the 122nd birth anniversary of Dr. S R Ranganathan – world’s most celebrated Librarians – as Librarian’s day. The program received an excellent response and witnessed by more than 100 participants. The event began with a “Tour of Sir C V Raman Museum”. Participants appreciated the organisers and the host for providing an opportunity to see Sir CV Raman’s personal collection. Technical Program started by offering prayer to goddess Saraswati by Mr. Ramasubramanyam, Personal Relations Officer, RRI. Dr. Meera, Librarian, RRI, also Vice President of KALA, welcomed all the participants and requested to observe two minutes silence to condole the death of well known LIS teacher Prof. A. Neelameghan. She also read out a Kannada poem (refer Annexure 1) written by one of the library patron from Indian Academy of Sciences on the occasion of librarians’ day. Dr IH Jahgirdhar, Secretary, KALA, formally welcomed Guests of the day and briefed about KALA activities. Chief guest Prof. VG Talwar, Vice Chancellor, REVA University & President of KALA released Librarians day poster ‘with a tag line – “Jog your mind, use libraries” designed by KALA. Prof. Shalini Urs, University of Mysore, gave Keynote address on ‘Tablets to Tablets’. She took all participants to a fascinating journey of “Tablets to Tablets” i.e. from ancient clay tablets to modern electronic tablets. She highlighted the revolutionary changes taken place in publishing and disseminating the published information due to the technological advancements. Prof. Urs emphasized that, one has to adapt for change and take maximum advantage from it. She compared the advantages and limitations of traditional book and a tablet, and role of library and information centers in this changing environment. Professor concluded her talk with positive comments on Gulzar Sahab´s Shayari - Kitabein on Books and Computer. Professor IK Ravichandra Rao, Visiting Scientist, Centre for knowledge analytics and ontological engineering, PESIT, Bangalore launched online collection of SRELS Journal of Information Management's (50 Years of Archives) bought out by Informatics (India) Ltd. The SRELS content is available on I-scholar platform of Informatics (India) Ltd. Prof. Rao narrated the history and growth of SRELS Journal of Information Management's and called for younger generation to come up with new research papers in wider spectrum of LIS. Chief Guest Prof. VG Talwar, in his presidential remark, wished the gathering on Librarians day. He also touched upon many opportunities and challenges faced in the profession. He called LIS professionals to be united and innovative in using opportunities and facing challenges of the present day scenario. Second part of the event was panel discussion on ‘Books and Tablets’, panelists were: Dr I R N Goudar, Visiting Professor cum Library Adviser, Bangalore University Library (Moderator) Dr Satish Tiwary, Head, Intellectual Property, Airbus, India (Reader perspective) Haja Sheriff, Co-Founder & Partner at Prost Innovation Labs, (Industry Perspective) Ananda T Byrappa, Global Leader, Knowledge Center, GE John F. Welch Technology Center (LIS Perspective) Arnab Pal, Research Fellow, Raman Research Institute (Student Perspective) Dr IRN Goudar formally welcomed all panelists and introduced them to the gathering. In his opening remarks he talked about role of tablets in transforming traditional libraries in to digital information centers and changing user expectations. Dr Satish Tiwary as a reader and user of library opined that, there will be a change in the modes of information delivery due to new models of publishing and aggregating tools. He underlined that personal bonding of enjoying the reading may not diminish though the medium of information container changes. He suggested libraries to be ready to adapt these challenges and meet their user requirements. Mr. Arnab Pal gave students perspective of looking at new gadgets as information carriers. He mentioned that students will accept new tablets once they experience them and have full confidence in the devices. Mr. Anand Byrappa who presented LIS perspectives, mentioned need for LIS professionals to be aware about latest developments in ‘publishing’ and ‘’tablets’ domains. He narrated how amazon’s Kindle reader can be adapted in library and Information Centers. He gave an overview about current global initiatives in the areas of ‘eBooks’ and ‘tablets’ and explained how many of them can be adapted as new initiatives by LIS professionals in their respective organizations. Mr. Haja Sharif who represented industry perspective, highlighted huge market scope for new gadgets like tablets and other similar devices. He shared insightful industry trends, which created lot of interest in participants. There was a very active interactive session towards end of the panel discussion where audience raised several questions which were clarified by the panelists. Moderator IRN Goudar concluded the panel discussion by thanking all the four panelists. Mr. Rajendra Babu, Assistant Professor, Tumkur University, proposed vote of thanks and the Librarian’s day program concluded with Dinner. Report Prepared by: Shivaram BS, Treasurer, KALA, with inputs from Dr. Meera, Rajendra Babu and Anand Byrappa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Detailed Report kindly follow the link on KALA Website:http://kalaonline.com/sites/default/files/lib-day-14-report.pdf For Photos of the event follow the link on :http://kalaonline.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with warm regards Shivaram BS ICAST, CSIR-NAL Kodihalli Bangaluru-560017 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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shivaram gowda