Dear All, I would like to invite you all to the 2013 Bangalore Open DataCamp that will be held on March 2nd and 3rd. This event is dedicated to discussing and exploring Open Data in India and the many people and projects that use data. I will also like to ask for your formal participation for the Hackathon on the 3rd. We will like to say this hackathon will be using data available on data.gov.in and start stalking about what those outputs might be. http://odc.datameet.org/odcblr2013/ Last year we had 150 people come and participate and had presentations from various places from UID to governance to education, all using data to attack a particular problem. I would like to ask you or your team to come and participate if possible it will be a great event. http://odc.datameet.org/odcblr2013/ Please share/spread this message/mail among your networks please... Thanks & Regards Sridhar __________________________________________________________ Sridhar Gutam PhD, ARS, Patent Laws (NALSAR), IP & Biotech. (WIPO) Senior Scientist (Plant Physiology) Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture http://www.cishlko.org Joint Secretary, Agricultural Research Service Scientists' Forumhttp://www.icar.org.in/en/node/1168 Convenor, Open Access India https://www.facebook.com/oaindia Country Representative, YPARD http://ypard.net/ Rehmankhera, Kakori Post Lucknow 226101, Uttar Pradesh, India Phone: +91-522-2841022/23/24; Fax: +91-522-2841025 Mobile:+91-9005760036/8005346136 Publications: http://works.bepress.com/sridhar_gutam/ http://goo.gl/EQAwr https://www.facebook.com/gutamsridhar http://www.linkedin.com/in/sridhargutam http://twitter.com/gutam2000http://works.bepress.com/sridhar_gutam/rss.html -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Sridhar Gutam