Lecture Demonstration of Greenstone Digital Library
Dear Friends: The Madras Library Association (MALA) Computer Society of India (CSI) Chennai Chapter and The British Council cordially invite you to a Lecture Demonstration on Greenstone Digital Library By Dr. John B. Rose Time: 5.30 p.m. Date: April 1, 2006 Venue: The British Council, 737 Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002 ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ Program 5.30 p.m. Tea 5.55 p.m. Welcome Address by H. R. Mohan, Chairman, Division VIII, CSI 6.00 p.m. Introduction of the Speaker by A. Amudavalli, President, MALA 6.05 p.m. Lecture by Dr. John Rose 6.45 p.m. Q & A 6.55 p.m. Vote of Thanks by Ms. V. Bhuvaneshwari, Head, Library and Information Services, (South India), British Council, Chennai ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ Dr. Rose was a staff member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris from 1974 to 2004. At UNESCO he managed projects of interest to development in the areas of scientific research and higher education, scientific and technical information, and the application of information and communication technology (ICT). In the latter area he was responsible for activities involving ICT in education, community access and empowerment, digital libraries, and policy for universal access to networks and essential information resources. From October 2004 to March 2005 he held a temporary appointment as Sarada Ranganathan Professor, Department of Information Science, University of Madras where he taught courses on information society issues and digital libraries. Dr. Rose is now Honorary Research Associate at the University of Waikato (New Zealand), responsible for coordinating efforts to improve user services to, and user participation in, the Greenstone Digital Library software in developing countries. ^^^^^^^^ Looking forward to see you on 1st April. With regards, L. R.Gowri Secretary MALA
participants (1)
Gowri Ravindranth