IQAC Sponsored National Symposia on Academic Achievements: Rules & Tools

IQAC Sponsored National Symposia on Academic Achievements: Rules & Tools on 17th & 18th April, 2020 CALL FOR PAPER Prospective authors are invited to submit their manuscripts on any one of the thrust areas. Papers should be in Times New Roman font and include a title (font size 14 bold), name of the author, affiliation, e-mail (font size 12 bold), line spacing - single. The full-length papers should not exceed 4000 words along with the indicative abstract within 300 words and 5-7 keywords. References within the text and at the end of the paper should follow APA style, 6th edition. Manuscripts should be submitted through e-mail (*.doc format) to The Review Committee reserves all the rights to accept, modify or reject the articles without any prior intimation. The Review Committee accepts no responsibility for the statements and opinions expressed by the contributors. Selected papers will be published by a renowned national level publisher with ISBN. IMPORTANT DATES Symposia Date: 17-18 April, 2020 Deadline for Paper Submission: 05.04.2020 Paper Acceptance: 08.04.2020 Deadline for Registration: 10.04.2020 REGISTRATION FEES For Delegates: Rs. 800/- For Research Scholar (Students): Rs. 400/- (Registration fee includes Symposia Kit, Certificate, Lunches, Tea. TA/DA not admissible) Online Registration All participants are earnestly requested to register themselves through online registration link herein under CONTACT Dr. Sambhu Nath Halder, IQAC Coordinator E-mail: Phone: (03473) 225035 Mobile: 9733964714/7908434804 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Dr. Sambhu Nath Halder