Respected Professionals, Good afternoon. Does anybody has access to the full text of the below mentioned articles, as one of our scholar needs it badly. ยท Epidemics of leaf miner (Lithocolletisvirgulata) on Pongamiapinnata. Author(s) :Sushilkumar https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/search/?q=au%3a%22Sushilkumar%22, Journal article :Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 1995 Vol.3 No.2 pp.164- 190 - Sundararaj, Raja Muthukrishnan and O.K. Remadevi. (2005). Annotated list of insect pests of Pongamiapinnata(L). Pierre in India. Annals of Forestry 13(2): 337-341. - Lal, M.N., G.C. Joshi and S.S. (1996). Studies on the incidence of inderbela spp. B. Stylophora and Karanj in Eastern U.P. Progressive Horticulture, 28(1/2): 66-71 - Chandla, A.(2002). Note on new record of host plants Karanj Pongamiapinnata L.). Indian Journal of Entomology 2(3) : 278-279. regards -- *Monisha Mishra* *LibrarianOrissa University of Agriculture & Technology,Bhubaneswar-751003Orissa*
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monisha mishra