Student Colloquium-1 Title- Digital Preservation

Documentation Research & Training Centre (DRTC) Indian Statistical Institute 8th Mile, Mysore Road, RVCE Post Bangalore, 560 059 Colloquium-1 (2019-2021) Title- Digital Preservation Abstract Information is a vital resource in todays knowledge economy, hence it should be preserved for long term use. But with rapid advancement in information technology, the software (like document readers) or hardware (like DVD, CD-ROM) used to store data may become redundant or have already become redundant (like microfilms). This leads to loss of information or data which may be difficult or impossible to regenerate again. Hence, we need digital preservation techniques for long term storage of data objects. In this colloquium, we will discuss the challenges in digital preservation and the strategies to overcome those challenges. We will highlight the technical and operational standards required for digital preservation, policy and stakeholders involved in it, and also present case studies on digital preservation. Speakers and topic Introduction Veereshprasad Sawadi Standards Nayema Nasrin & Puranjani Das Policy and stakeholders Susmita Bardhan Strategies for digital preservation Dhanasri Shivani T G Best practices (case study) Vikas Kumar Issues and challenges Rajeswari T.V. Conclusion Shyamali Basu Coordinator: Dr. Biswanath Dutta Date: 29-01-2020 Time: 2 p.m. Venue: DRTC Class Room (G-16), ISI Bangalore. All are cordially invited
participants (1)