CDP on Res. Methodology

Competency Development Programme on Research Methodology 19th January, 2013 (Saturday), Gandhi Peace Foundation, 221-223, DDU Marg, New Delhi Organised by SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION RESEARCH & STUDIES (SIRs) Last date for Registration: January 10, 2013 Welcome for Participation Dear Professionals, It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that we are organizing a Competency Development Programme on Research Methodology on above said date and place. Why this event? This Competency Development Programme acronym as CDP coined by SIRs (Society for Information Research and Studies) involves the design and implementation of a competency framework as a useful tool to augment and enhance the capacity and knowledge, and skills in contemporary areas. The competency development programme is designed based around your rising needs and how it will be practically used in the day to day fields. A competency development programme is very useful for giving budding professionals of all square, a clear guidance on what is expected in their current and possible future roles. Format of the Conference Measurement and Scaling Techniques: Measurement scales sources of error in measurement, test of validity, test of reliability, scaling, scaling techniques - rating scales, scale construction techniques. Data Collection: Sources Data collection, observation method, interview method, methods of data collection, difference between survey and experiment, Data Processing - Editing, Coding, classification and tabulation. Report writing: Types of reports, contents of report, style of reporting and steps in drafting of report Eminent Learning outcomes After attending the programme, professionals should have a: . Conceptual framework of the research process and methodology . Insights into different research design . Familiarity with tools and techniques of management decision making approach. Registration process Interested persons are requested to send their nominations through Registration form (in prescribed format attached herewith it) at on or before 10th January 2013. The registration fee for the said programme is: . Rs 1000/- for budding working professionals who opt for research work in near future. . Rs 600/- for students only (Attached and Produce Identity Proof) The remittances may be sent in advance through DD/Cheque in favour of Society for Information Research & Studies drawn at New Delhi. For any other queries, please contact Society for Information Research & Studies (SIRs) 11A/1, IInd Floor, Gautam Nagar New Delhi - 110 049 Tel. +91-9953476674, 9910017177 e-mail. website. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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