DRTC/ISI ICSD 2007 : Extended deadlines
Kindly note the extended dates for paper submission (full paper with abstract) and early bird registration. The changed dates are as follows: * Submission of full paper with abstract: September 30, 2006 * Early Bird registration: January 01, 2007 Other important dates are: * Notification of acceptance with comments: October 31, 2006 * Submission of the final papers after incorporating comments: November 30, 2006 ************************************** ICSD 2007: CALL FOR PAPERS Indian Statistical Institute Platinum Jubilee Events International Conference on SEMANTIC WEB & DIGITAL LIBRARIES (ICSD 2007) http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/icsd Documentation Research and Training Centre Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, INDIA February 21-23, 2007 Themes include: (but not limited to) * Digital Libraries * Digital Resource Organization * Technology issues in Digital Services * Design of Digital Information Services * Retrieval issues in digital environment * Standards and Specifications for Digital objects * Metadata standards, Interoperability and Crosswalks * Knowledge Organization and Ontologies * Semantic Web Technologies and Digital Libraries * Semantic Web and Information Retrieval * Architecture for Semantic Web * Technology and Semantic Web Modeling tools * Intelligent Agents in Semantic Retrieval * Semantic Portals and Semantic Web Services * Vocabulary and Taxonomy development * Tools and Techniques for managing digital repositories * Digital Resource Management Strategies * Content Development: Policies * Content Development: tools and techniques * Technology issues in Digital Services * Resource Media and formats * Multilingual Digital Libraries * Patron interaction and facilitation tools * Digital Library applications and case studies * Digital Library and Semantic Web Projects and Case Studies FORMAT The conference aims to explore the topics in themes and sub themes through tutorials, workshops, demonstrations, Invited talks and presentations. Eminent researchers and academicians will be invited to deliver theme papers and invited talks on select topics. CALL FOR PAPERS Original papers in English are invited on a theme related to those mentioned above. An international review panel will review the papers based on originality of the work, quality and relevance to the main theme of the conference. Peer reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The papers should follow the submission instructions that will be furnished along with acceptance note and also on the conference website. REGISTRATION * Early Bird Registration: January 01, 2006 (Last Date) Rs. 5000/- (Indian & SAARC Delegates); USD 150.00 (Foriegn Delegates other than SAARC) * After January 01, 2007: Rs. 6000/- (Indian & SAARC Delegates); USD 175.00 (Foriegn Delegates other than SAARC) * Tutorial: Rs. 1500/- (Indian & SAARC Delegates); USD 40.00 (Foriegn Delegates other than SAARC) NEWS ICSD conference brochure is now available at conference website. CONTACT & ENQUIRIES: (with CC to gmail address) Dr. A.R.D.Prasad, (Conference Convenor) Associate Professor, Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute, 8th Mile, Mysore Road, Bangalore - 560 059 Karnataka, INDIA Phone: 91-80-28483002/3/4 extn no. 496 or 490 Fax : 91-80-28484265 email: icsd@drtc.isibang.ac.in icsd2007@gmail.com _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/
participants (1)
Nabonita Guha