Commonwealth Professional Fellowship to Mr Rajesh Chandrakar of INFLIBNET

Congratulations to Mr Rajesh Chandrakar, our
colleague from INFLIBNET
Centre, Ahmedabad. He has been awarded with
Commonwealth Professional
Fellowship and he will be working at Middlesex
University under the guidance
of Dr Alan Hopkinson during January - April 2005.
He is with INFLIBNET Centre since 1997 as
Scientific and Technical Officer
and actively inolved in activities, especially
related to Union Database
Managament, Bibliographic Standards, Multi
Lingual Solutions, SOUL Software
Development and Networking and Quality Control
Group. He holds Bachelor
degree in Science, Master degree in Library and
Information Science and
PGDCA. He is the Convenor of MARC21 Core Group of
nominated an Alternate representative of Bureau
of Indian Standards (BIS),
Technical Committee MSD5and an Alternate Voting
Representative to NISO
(National Information Standards Organization),
USA. He is widely published
in International refereed journals and
conferences and he is the
Joint-Convener of International CALIBER-2005.
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participants (1)
JK Vijayakumar