Hi e'body,
IT Application in Libraries and in Information Management
The National Documentation Centre (NDC) of National Institute of Health & Family Welfare (NIHFW), New Delhi is an apex Documentation Center in India in the field of Population, Health & Family Welfare. The collection of the Documentation Center has grown to approximately 60,000 including bound journals. In addition to all the conventional services of a Documentation Center, it is fully automated & also provides modem services such as CD-ROM databases, On-line access at LAN, OPAC, etc. NDC has its own website and a bibliographic database of complete collection is ready to access on Internet through this site www.ndc-nihfw.org.
Beside the above activities, NDC has been conducting a training course since last five years on IT Application in Libraries and Information Management. The next course seventh in its series is scheduled to be held from November 7-11, 2005. During the course, all the burning topics such as, Library Automation, Application Software, Online Access, CD-ROM Databases, LAN, Multimedia Application for Information Management & Preservation, Electronics Publishing, Digital Library, Web designing, Web Authoring, Net surfing, etc. will be discussed. Practical Demonstrations, Practical Assignment and field visit will also be arranged. Scholars interested in attending the Course may contact Sh. Salek Chand, Sr. Documentation Officer and Coordinator of the Course, National Documentation Center, NIHFW, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 067. Ph.II-26165959, Fax 11-26101623, Email: salekchand2003@yahoo.com
UNIVERSITY NEWS, 43 (34), AUGUST 22-28, 2005, pp.18-19
Note: Reply from the Course Coordinator
Mon, 29 Aug 2005 23:05:59 -0700 (PDT)
IT course
afzal333@rediffmail.com, cusmclib08@yahoo.com, brjd@rediffmail.com, puttuc@yahoo.com
Dear Colleagues
I appreciate your keen intrest in this course.
The main features of the course are:-
1. No course fee
2. Lodging and boarding facilities are available with in the campus at very nominal cost.
3. Local site seeing programme also arranged on 10/11/05.
4. Contents are based on Latest Information Technologies.
5. Nomination should be sent on institute's letterhead.
6. You can join this course only after getting confirmation from our us.
Rest is OK
Mr.Puttaraj, A. C.
Asst. Librarian (Periodicals)
SDTM Library, TATA Institute of Social Sciences,
P.B. No.8313, Deonar, MUMBAI - 400 088 INDIA
Tel: +91-22-2556 3290, Ext.285 (O)
Fax: +91-22-2556 2912
Email: puttuc@yahoo.com,
URL: www.tiss.edu
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Hi e'body,
IT Application in Libraries and in Information Management
The National Documentation Centre (NDC) of National Institute of Health & Family Welfare (NIHFW), New Delhi is an apex Documentation Center in India i
n the field of Population, Health & Family Welfare. The collection of the Documentation Center has grown to approximately 60,000 including bound journals. In addition to all the conventional services of a Documentation Center, it is fully automated & also provides modem services such as CD-ROM databases, On-line access at LAN, OPAC, etc. NDC has its own website and a bibliographic database of complete collection is ready to access on Internet through this site http://www.ndc-nihfw.org/ www.ndc-nihfw.org
Beside the above activities, NDC has been conducting a training course since last five years on IT Application in Libraries and Information Management. The next course seventh in its series is scheduled to be held from November 7-11, 2005. During the course, all the burning topics such as, Library Automation, Application Software, Online Access, CD-ROM Databases, LAN, Multimedia Application for Information Management & Preservation, Electronics Publishing, Digital Library, Web designing, Web Authoring, Net surfing, etc. will be discussed. Practical Demonstrations, Practical Assignment and field visit will also be arranged. Scholars interested in attending the Course may contact Sh. Salek Chand, Sr. Documentation Officer and Coordinator of the Course, National Documentation Center, NIHFW, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 067. Ph.II-26165959, Fax 11-26101623, Email: salekchand2003@yahoo.com
UNIVERSITY NEWS, 43 (34), AUGUST 22-28, 2005, pp.18-19
Note: Reply from the Course Coordinator
Mon, 29 Aug 2005 23:05:59 -0700 (PDT)
IT course
afzal333@rediffmail.com, cusmclib08@yahoo.com, brjd@rediffmail.com, puttuc@yahoo.com
Dear Colleagues
I appreciate your keen intrest in this course.
The main features of the course are:-
No course fee
Lodging and boarding facilities are available with in the campus at very nominal cost.
3. Local site seeing programme also arranged on 10/11/05.
4. Contents are based on Latest Information Technologies.
5. Nomination should be sent on institute's letterhead.
6. You can join this course only after getting confirmation from our us.
Rest is OK
Mr.Puttaraj, A. C.
Asst. Librarian (Periodicals)
SDTM Library,
TATA Institute of Social Sciences,
P.B. No.8313, Deonar,
MUMBAI - 400 088 INDIA
Tel: +91-22-2556 3290, Ext.285 (O)
Fax: +91-22-2556 2912
Email: mailto:puttuc@yahoo.com puttuc@yahoo.com
mailto:choukimath@tiss.edu choukimath@tiss.edu
URL: http://www.tiss.edu www.tiss.edu
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