Date: Sun, 1 May 2005 12:16:55 +0530
From: Subbiah Arunachalam
19 National libraries in Europe resolve to digitize books
European libraries join forces against Google global virtual library,, April 27, 2005. An unsigned news story. Excerpt:
'Nineteen European national libraries have joined forces against a planned
communications revolution by Internet search giant Google to create a
global virtual library, organisers said Wednesday. The 19 libraries are
backing instead a multi-million euro counter-offensive by European nations
to put European literature online. "The leaders of the undersigned
national libraries wish to support the initiative of Europe's leaders
aimed at a large and organised digitisation of the works belonging to our
continent's heritage," a statement said....The statement was signed by
national libraires in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden. The British
National Library has given its implicit support to the move, without
signing the motion, while Cyprus and Malta have agreed verbally to the
text. Portugal is also set to approve it.'
When will libraries in the developing countries start work on making
available their collections online and via open access? I urge all friends
in Asia, Africa and Latin America to mount focused advocacy aimed at their
national level policy makers. In India, Prof. N Balakrishnan (known as
Balki) leads a team that aims to digitise a million books (in different
languages). Prof. Adama Samasekou, Unesco, NEPAD, UNECA and other agencies
should strive hard to get all of Africa's printed literature on to the
digitised virtual library. Best wishes.
MSSRF, Chennai