DLINE Journals in Computing Technology, Information Science and Information Systems

Dear Friends DLINE Journals in Computing Technology, Information Science and Information Systems (http://www.dline.info) One of the major criticism against Indian journals is the 'quality of the content'. The reason is the absence of international review system. Now a few journals become international. One such platform is the DLINE journals in Computing Technology, Information Science and Management Information Systems. The DLINE is a major portal for computing journals. Currently the portal publishes ten journals in computing technology and information systems. All the journals have an eminent international editorial board, review board and the submissions are reviewed using well defined review parameters. Many of the Indian-published journals do not fit into a well structured database. Because, they do not permit the end users to search the content. The online content is not available for many journals. Even for the online content journals, the access is based on user name and passwords. However, the DLINE journals allow IP based online full text access. The major journal in the DLINE database is the Journal of Digital Information Management. It is the only one Indian-published journal which is indexed in many global secondary services including the Scopus and DBLP. We suggest our members to view these journals at www.dline.info -- With regards M. Surulinathi M.com, MLIS, M.Phil., (Ph.D), PGDCA, HDNCC, CGT Assistant Librarian Department of Library and Information Science Bharathidasan University Trichy - 620 024 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
suruli nathi