Call for Original Research Articles for the Special Issue (IJALIS)

Dear Moderator! Please post this message to all users of lis-forum__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Original / research Articles are invited for publication in the special issue of an open access, peer-reviewed “International Journal of Advanced Library and Information Science“- ISSN: 2348–5167 (Cloud Publications). The special issue will be published by 20th December 2015.Title of the Special Issue - Modern Trends in User Centric Design (UCD) of Library Services and Applications.Authors’ Guidelines• Full details about the focus of the special issue, publication deadlines and article processing fee etc., please visit the journal special issue web page. • Since the entire special issue is focused on one specific subject, to avoid overlapping of content, authors are requested to send an abstract of the proposed full paper in 1-2 pages in a week, giving the details of framework of articles containing the objective/s (aim) of the paper, findings, conclusion etc. Authors will receive the communication in 3 days regarding the submission of full paper. Deadline for full paper submission: 15th September, 2015 • The length of the article (manuscript) should contain around Words 5000 to 8000 • The author should clearly mention - the Special Issue Title and names of the Guest Editor-in-Chief on the first page of the manuscript. • Author must submit his/her manuscript in the journal online publishing system using the link Authors can register, submit and track the status of publication through this link. • After submission, the manuscript will go through plagiarism check. So Author/s must assure that manuscript is their original contribution and plagiarism free.For further details and author guidelines for the preparation and submission of the manuscript, please visit Note *** For the Special Issue the expected quality papers are around 10-20. If the accepted papers are lesser than 10, they will be considered to be moved to the regular section of the journal.Please contact with the editors, in case of further clarifications.Guest Editors of the Special Issue (Deputy Librarians, IGM Library, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telengana State, India)1) Dr. V.J.Suseela, Emails: (O); (P); Mobile: +9951415331 Dr. V.Uma, Emails: (O); (P); Mobile: +919010299189 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________Dr. V.J.Suseela Deputy Librarian Indira Gandhi Memorial Library UNIVERSITY OF HYDERABAD Hyderabad 500 046 INDIA emails: (O), (P), and (P) Ph: (40)23132616 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)