National conference TERL 2020 - call for papers

*Call for Papers* KCLA National Conference *(TERL 2020)* invites original research articles from librarians, academicians and researchers, under the main theme *TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION IN EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND LIBRARIES* to be organized by College Librarians’ Association, Kerala (KCLA) in collaboration with and to be held at St. Joseph’s College for Women, Alappuzha, Kerala from 2nd to 4th April 2020. *BEST PAPER AWARD* will be given for the most outstanding paper submitted & presented in the conference. Sub-themes for the conference are, but not limited to *Technology in Education* ICT in teaching-learning, student performance and administration Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education E learning, M learning, U learning Innovative teaching methods Quality assessment in higher education Outcome Based Education (OBE) Educational platforms Disruptive technologies in education Value based education in the current scenario Learning Management Systems (LMS) Technology in self-learning, MOOCS *Technology in Research* Processes of academic publishing E-resources in research Research data management Tools for data analysis Reference management software Similarity index/ Plagiarism Research metrics and indicators Academic social networking Downloads v/s Citations Research metrics and indicators Technology enhanced research visibility Open movement and research- OA, OJS, DOAJ etc. *Technology in libraries* Digital libraries, Virtual libraries, Metadata ILMS, Content management systems Bibliometric, Scientometric, Webometric & Altmetric studies Semantic Web Ontologies E-resources - Copyright, access models, e-negotiation, purchase, archives E-publishing - models, issues, ethics Influence of technology on traditional library practices & services Effective use of electronic resources Smart technologies for library management Cost-benefit analysis of technology implementation 21st century library designs Mobile based library services Data privacy & security in technological environment AI & Block chain technology in libraries *Paper Submission Guidelines* Registered participants are invited to submit the full text of research papers (both qualitative and quantitative, including case studies) as per the format prescribed below: - Length of paper: Maximum 10 pages (6000 words) (A4 Size) - 1.5 Spacing, Font Times New Roman, 12 point - Title of the paper: Sub title (if any) - Name of author(s), Designation, Library/College/Department/Organization Address & Affiliation - Abstract (Maximum 500 words) - Keywords (maximum 7) - Body of the paper - References (APA style) - Manuscript should be submitted in .doc/.docx format and send to: - All the papers received within the stipulated time will be sent to an expert committee for blind review and the respective authors of accepted papers will be informed. - Accepted papers will be published as a book with ISBN, provided there is sufficient number of accepted papers. * Paper Presentation Guidelines* - Accepted papers are to be presented in the corresponding thematic sessions. - Only presented papers will be considered for best paper award. - Presentation should consist of a maximum of ten slides in .ppt /.pptx format. - The presentation slides need to be sent to the email id: after intimation to the authors. - Each author will be allotted maximum10 minutes for presentation. *Important Dates* Abstract submission 31st January 2020 Full paper submission 20th February 2020 Full paper acceptance notification 28th February 2020 Camera ready paper 7th March 2020 Conference dates 2nd - 4th April 2020 Thanks and regards Chitra S Librarian St. Joseph's College for Women Alappuzha Ph 9995837874 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Chitra S