*Please send me citation information on doctoral dissertations or doctoral
thesis to be included in the supplement to the bibliography "Library
Cataloging, Classification, and Metadata Research: A Bibliography of
Doctoral Dissertations" on my e-mail: salman.mlisc@gmail.com
A bibliography of doctoral dissertations and theses on Library Cataloging,
Classification, and Metadata Research was published in the prestigious
journal *Cataloging & Classification Quarterly* in 2020, which was followed
by two supplements in 2021 and 2022.⁽¹⁾⁽²⁾⁽³⁾
*Now I am working to compile another biannual supplement to this
bibliography. Please send me details of the doctoral works to be included
in the bibliography. You may also send us the details of the doctoral works
of other researchers. Please send me the following information.*
1. *Name*
2. *Title *
3. *Type (Ph. D. dissertation or Ph. D. thesis)*
4. *University/Institute*
5. *Year*
6. *URL if available online *
7. *Any other related information*