Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 21:36:21 +0530 From: Jai Haravu
Dear Mr Ansari/List forum members
I have seen Mr Ansari's posting to Lis-Forum on the subject of library
automation software and his list of software. He was probably not aware that
the Trust that I head has collaborated with a software company in Hyderbad,
M/s Verus Solutions Pvt., Ltd to develop a fully n-tier web-based library
automation and networking solution called NewGenLib.
You may like to see the features of this software at http://www.newgenlib
com. Also, kindly note that we have several versions of the software:
single library, single user version
single library, multi user LAN/Intranet or web version,
multi-library, multi user LAN/Intranet version, and
multi-library, multi-user networking/consortium version that runs on the web
in an Application Service Provider (ASP) mode.
The software is available under both Windows and Linux operating systems. We
have used many open source components and hence it is much more affordable
than similar software from the west. We also have a version which runs on an
open source RDBMS called Firebird. This runs on stand alones and
LAN/Intranet's. We have still to test it in a web environment.
Importantly, the networking/consortium version allows the configuration of a
network of libraries that use a single server and software infrastructure so
that all libraries in the network need not invest in costly servers and
software on each of their locations.
Our present work will lead to the development of a multi-lingual version
which will allow input, storage and retrieval of information in Indian
languages. Unfortunately, except Hindi, nobody seems to have developed
Unicode, UTF-8 fonts for other Indian languages. We are also working on
building digital library functionality in a future version.
Goa University and Osmania University and a few other small colleges have
already implemented this software. You may like to see the Goa Academic
Library's networks called GOALNET's OPAC at
in:8080/newgenlibctxt/index.jsp. This network has the Goa Univ and 14 other
institutions on it. However, please note that since Goa receives a lot of
rain, there are not infrequent power outages there and the site may not
sometimes be accessible.
L J Haravu
Trustee, Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge Management
69 Krishnapuri Colony
West Marredpally
Sedcunderabad 500 026
Tel: 91-40-27803947