Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 17:01:45 +0530
From: Sukhdev Singh
Let me also suggest a step. I would like to call it as "STEP ZERO"
CONCREATE STEP ZERO: Select and make an email discussion list as Official
Discussion List of LIS Indian Community.
There is a need for Indian Library and Information Science Community to
exchange and discussion various issues related to the profession and work.
It may be possible if we encourage all the professionals to subscribe to one
email discussion group. This may be designated as official discussion forum.
[Official here should mean the common voice of the community]. People should
be encouraged discuss and debate (more useful) various issues" [email groups
are meant for that only]. It should not be a low volume and
"unidirectional" group. Moderation should be minimal and rare [ to stop
virus attacks, marketing emails personal attacks etc].
There can also be web/email conferences and delibrations.
Over and above there should be BELONGINESS AMOUNG THE COMMUNITY. There could
also be ranking of the community members based on some criteria but
definately based on contribution towards this virtual community.
Further, I propose LIS-FORUM (Promoted by Dr T.B Rajashekar) be this
official email disscussion group, because [perhaps] it is almost a decade
old now.
BTW, have anybody noticed the wonderful work being down by . Only thing they have not done is "that they
do not bost off who they are?" [ I am in no way related to it].
Sukhdev Singh