Again About LIS Accreditation

Dear LIS Friends, I would like to request your attention to my earlier mail "LIS Departments need Accreditation System and New Courses". We have a good news that Indian Engineering Degrees will soon be accredited in US and other developed countries. Read the news from [ ] National Board of Accreditation (NBA) of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is the accreditation agency for Engineering Education in India. They did a good job in getting a provisional signatory membership in Washington Accord, which recognises engineering degrees among the member countries. NBA is allowed 2 years to to bring its academic programmes, curricula and syllabus, examination and evaluation system to the international level and revise its accreditation system to make it fully outcome based, with credit system for flexibility and continuous evaluation for improved learning being the basis of such programmes.If NBA and our technical institutes are successful in achieving this goal, Indian engineering degrees will be internationaly recognised. What is the message for LIS? Thanks ---------------------------------- J. K. Vijayakumar MLIS PhD IFLA-OCLC Fellow Assistant Director of Library American University of Antigua College of Medicine PB No W1451, St. Johns ANTIGUA, West Indies ____________________________________________________________________________________ Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

No: Ad.F2/13551(2)/2007. Dated, 29.03.2008 Applications in the prescribed form are invited from qualified candidates for appointment to the post of Deputy Librarian in the University of Calicut in the scale of pay of Rs.12000-18300. Qualifications : i. Masterâs degree in Library Science/ Information Science/documentation with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7 point scale and consistently good academic record. ii. Five years experience as an Assistant University Librarian/College Librarian iii Evidence of innovative library services, Published work and professional commitment, computerisation of Library. Desirable M.Phil/Ph.D degree in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation/ Archives and Manuscript-keeping, Computerisation of Library. Age : Between 30 and 40 years as on 01.01.2008 Nature of post : Open Application fee : Rs. 500 (SC/ST candidates need to remit Rs. 125/- as application fee) Last date of Application: 22.4.2008 Full Details at ____________________________________________________________________________________ You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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J. K. Vijayakumar