Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:55:19 +0530 (IST)
From: I.R.N.Goudar
Dear Professional Colleagues,
Let us congratulate Shri P.Y. Rajendrakumar Director, Dept. of Public
Libraries, Govt. of Karnataka for having been selected for
Ranganathan-Kaula Medal for the year 2007. This award is for his yeoman
services for the cause of Public Libraries in Karnataka and in India.
As a professional and member of State Library Authority I am quite familiar
about his contributions especially in making the public library system as a
dynamic and visible institution by advocating and adopting information
technologies for providing innovative services. More importantly he has
been successful in setting up of libraries in all
Gram-panchayats in Karnataka.
Thanks to Rajendrakumar's efforts for making Karnataka as the first state
in the country to declare August 12 as "Librarians Day". On the one side he
has lead setting up of Hi-tech libraries and digitizing >30,000 Kannada
books under CMU Million Book Project and on the other side facilitated
setting up of hundreds of slum libraries. He has taken initiative to set up
libraries at district level initially for making available books and
e-resources useful for all competitive exams.
He has been instrumental in changing the rigid attitude in the department
and introduced "Single Window System", a transparent way of selecting books
under the supervision of competent selection committee.
Recently he had organised a National Seminar on "Public Libraries as
Community Information Centres". During this seminar freshly prepared
Draft for Public Library Act was discussed at leangth and give big momentum
in this direction.
He has served for the professional cause for more than 36 years in serving
especially the general public. Now only the Public Library System in
Karnataka has picked up in a big way under his dynamic leadership and at
this crucial stage his retirement in March 2008 may slowdown the
developmental activities. I wish Govt. of Karnataka will do something to
continue his services at least till the appointment of a capable
professional and not just an administrative replacement.
(Dr. I.R.N. Goudar)
Dr. I.R.N. Goudar Tel: 91-80-25086081
Sci F & Head, Information Centre for 91-80-25235315
Aerospace Science and Technology Fax: 91-80-25268072
National Aerospace Laboratories
Airport Road, BANGALORE-560 017 India