Invitation for 5th Dr. T.B. Rajashekar Memorial Lecture - reminder

Dear Members I cordially invite you to the Dr. T.B. Rajashekar Memorial Lecture (2010). The details of the lecture are given below: Title: “Why are our readers not using Learning Objects?” Speaker: Prof. Srinivasa Ramani International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore Date: Friday, 4th June, 2010 Time: 6.00 PM (Coffee/Tea: 5.30 PM onwards) Venue: NCSI Seminar Hall, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Dr. S. Venkadesan, Librarian, JRD Tata Memorial Library, IISc, will preside over the talk. Description about the Talk: The term “Learning Objects” had been inspired partly by the vision of object oriented programming. Learning content in various forms, bundled with code as necessary, and packaged in a standard form, were expected to be “objects” that could be reused in multiple contexts easily. However, many deviated from this vision over the course of time, and were willing to accept the definition of a Learning Object (LO) as a resource, usually digital and web-based, that can be used and re-used to support learning. The multimedia, hypertext and interactivity dimensions of such resources stimulated a lot of work. We can look at the LO movement as a part of the Open Educational Resources movement – one of the early drivers of the Web 2.0 phenomenon. Most authors who wished to promote the reuse of their creation were putting their LOs into the public domain. The increasing use of web based material for learning in a variety of contexts and the enormous growth of content on the Web makes LOs an important topic for the attention of everyone in the professions associated with information delivery. Visionaries in the field recognized the importance of metadata and standardization, and for a time, discussion of metadata standards for LO’s was a necessary component of conferences. We will look at what happened to the promise of easy and systematic search for LOs. Most visions do not predict the future any better than weather forecasts, but they do enable concerted attacks to be mounted on important problems. Some of the current visions deal with two insights: a) Locating and using content on the Web would be a lot easier and satisfactory if the systems used have relevant information about the user and personalize their efforts to help the user in the best possible manner. b) The forms of education in wide use need to be changed dramatically. The future school will not resemble the schools we all went to. The Web will change all that. All of us concerned with the creation, management and delivery of information content need to give attention to information designed to promote serious learning. The fact that we are all continuing to learn, much after our leaving college, is an indication relevant to the future of education. Please confirm your presence to NCSI-Net coordinators With regards NCSI-Net coordinators Shivaram BS ICAST, NAL CSIR, Kodihalli Bangaluru-560017 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
shivaram gowda