Dear professionals, it gives me immense pleasure to invite all the library and information science professionals of the country and abroad that I am planning to publish a peer-reviewed edited book on “Advances in Library and Information Science: A Comprehensive Guide”. (by a reputed publisher with ISBN). The contributor can include any other topic falling under the theme of the book title. The authors will get a free electronic copy of their published paper in the book. IMPORTANT DATES Submission of full paper: 28th February 2024 Final intimation/ acceptance to the authors after submission of Copyright: 10th April 2024 GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION & SUBMISSION OF PAPER/CHAPTERS Title: The title of the paper should be in a 20-point Times New Roman Font. Abstract: The abstract should be in fully italicized text, not exceeding 200 words. The abstract must explain the background, aims, methods, results, and conclusion. Keywords: The abstract must be followed by a list of keywords. References must be in the APA format and carefully checked for completeness, acccy, and consistency. Formatting Guideline: The manuscript must be in English and prepared on a standard A4 size paper setting with 2 cm margins on all sides. No Table/ Graph/ Picture should cross this margin. Font Type: Times New Roman. Font Size: Heading (Bold and 14 points), Subheading (Bold and 12 points), and Body (12 points). Line Spacing: 1.5 spaced. Submission of an Article/ Papers will be automatically considered as a Declaration regarding the originality of his/ her work and handing over the copyright of their work to the editor of the proposed book. NOTE: The contributors of the paper must ensure the completeness of the paper as per the guidelines given above, and avoid grammatical mistakes, spelling, or typographical errors before final submission. The paper should be free from plagiarism. AREAS FOR THE CONTRIBUTION OF RESEARCH PAPERS/ CHAPTERS Libraries in the Digital Age Collection Development in the Electronic Age Plagiarism Digital literacy Human resources management Library performance and service Marketing of Library Services in the Modern Age Remote access to library collections Social networking technologies (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.) and their role in LIS Virtual reference services Information Literacy Disaster Management in Libraries Building and Space Planning of Library in the Modern Age Copyright/fair use Green libraries Institutional repositories Library education Open Educational Resources User-cantered technologies in libraries Data Management Emerging Technologies Open-Source Software Electronic Resource Management Knowledge Management (KM) Lib 2.0 & Lib 3.0: Tools & Techniques. Application of Web 2.0/3.0/4.0 Mobile Technologies in the Digital Age Mobile Learning and MOOCs Online Reference Service MARC-21, Dublin Core Metadata Artificial Intelligence and Expert System Open Access Initiatives/Open Access Journals Consortia, Resource Sharing, E-Resources: Use & Evaluation Cloud Computing Applications Library Security Technology-QR Codes, Barcode and RFID Please send your papers/chapters on the following email only: mangeramjangra72@gmail.com Dr. Mange Ram University Librarian & University Coordinator, Shodhganga & Shodhgangotri Central Library, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Dayalbagh Agra-282005 (UP) INDIA E-Mail: mangeram@dei.ac.in
participants (1)
Dr Mange Ram