Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 06:37:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mahesh G T
Dear All,
its a good topic to discuss,"After Retirement"
ofcourse there is no retirement for any professional
untill he feels it,,
i personally feel that, retired professionals can form
a association may be region wise or area wise, as they
can actively participate/organize the programmes like
Counselling, Mentoring and other developmental
activities for the young upcoming professionals as
well as Libraries.They can share their 25-30 years of
realtime experience to the changing world by writing a
book or sharing through the Forum like this, and also
Conferences/Seminars/and Workshops can allow atleast
2-3 retired professionals to present their
expierience, as their expierience could also be
documented in an Conference/Seminar Proceedings.
They can organize orientation clases for the young
professionals by providing the professional Skillsets
Still more active and effective channel would be
publishing News Letter or so,,,
but to make it happen in realtime situation i feel
they should form an association or Forum(Retired
Library Professionals,,) ,,with the support of our
young professionals,
I request all the young and expierienced professionals
to come forward in this regard,,,,
"Knowledge is of two kinds,We Know a subject ourselves,
or,we know where to find information on it"
Mahesh G T
Alliance Business Academy,
Off No - 080-26684369
Mob No - 9845727385