Librarians' Day – 2017 at Adani Institute of Infrastructure (AII), an opportunity to Ph.D. Scholars (Library Science) collecting data during the seminar.
Dear Professional Colleague,
Greetings from Adani Institute of Infrastructure (AII) and Ahmedabad
Library Network (ADINET), Ahmedabad!
We take great pleasure in informing you that Adani Institute of
Infrastructure (AII) in collaboration with Ahmedabad Library Network
(ADINET) will be celebrating the “*125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. S. R.
Ranganathan” *as Librarians’ Day by holding a Seminar on, *Saturday 12,
August 2017* at the Adani Institute of Infrastructure (AII) Campus. You may
browse for full details. The seminar is expected
to be attended by about 350 librarians, information professionals and
students, research scholars from university, academic and corporate
libraries from India.
*In this context, ADINET wish to support Ph.D. Scholars (Library Science)
in collecting data during the seminar. Henceforth we kindly request you to
circulate it among your Ph. D. scholars. Ask your Ph.D. Scholars to send
their questionnaires to: ***
participants (1)
Manu T.R