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From: Albright, Kendra
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 2:28 PM
Subject: [IFLA-L] LIBRI: Best Student Research Paper Award 2020
Apologies for cross posting.
Best Student Research Paper Award 2020
DOI 10.1515/libri-XXXXXX
Since 1950, through 69 volumes, Libri: International Journal of
Libraries and Information Studies has been a leader among scholarly
journals in the international library and information science world.
As part of its strategy to remain one of the premier library and
information science journals, Libri is issuing a call for “Best
Student Research Paper of 2019.” This competition supports Libri’s
goal of publishing the best articles from the next generation of
library and information science professionals. We are proud once again
to recognize the very best article with this special award.
Students who are currently enrolled for a Masters or PhD or who have
completed their Masters or PhD during the 24 months preceding the
closing date of the competition[1] are invited to submit articles with
clarity and authority. There is no stated theme, but should fall
within the scope of LIBRI’s research focus areas (see below). Research
papers should address one of the significant issues facing today’s
librarians and information professionals. Case studies, best
practices, and pure research papers are all welcome.
Length: approx. 5,000 – 7,000 words (excluding the abstract and list
of references)
Language: English
Deadline: June 30, 2020
The best paper will be selected by an independent panel consisting of
selected members of the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and other
international experts. Submissions will be judged on the basis of
originality of thought and observation
depth of research and scholarship
topicality of problems addressed
the international readership of the journal
the quality of the composition
The article will be published in the 2020:4 issue. The author of the
winning article will be honoured with an award of 500.00 € and with a
complimentary subscription to Libri for 2021.
If the quality of competition warrants, some papers may be designated
as honourable mention and the authors will receive complementary
subscriptions to Libri for 2021. All winners will receive access to
e-prints of their winning submission.
Manuscripts should be submitted to When submitting a paper for the
Best Student Research Paper Award, please choose “Best Student
Research Paper Award” at the drop-down menu “Manuscript Type.” Author
instructions and further indications of the scope of papers suitable
for publication in Libri are available at the Libri site at
All submissions should include a cover sheet confirming:
the name of the institution where the student is or was enrolled
the degree for which the student is or was enrolled
the dates when the student is or was enrolled
the degree/course/module for which the paper was prepared
the date when the paper was written
PLEASE NOTE: Paper submissions who do not include all the above
required elements, as well as do not comply with the content
requirements specified, will be disqualified for consideration. All
papers will also automatically be screened for plagiarism and
[1] Exception: Senior information scholars returning to school for
additional degrees outside the field of library and information
science are not eligible for this award.
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