Announcing INFLIBNET's PLANNER-2003 at Shillong
PLANNER- 2003 (Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North Eastern Region)- A Convention Theme: Automation of Libraries in North East Region: Trends, Issues and Challenges November 6-7, 2003 Organised by INFLIBNET Centre An IUC of University Grants Commission Ahmedabad - 380009 in Colloboration with North Eastern Hill University Shillong, Meghalaya - 793 014 ------------------------------------------------ PLANNER stands for Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North Eastern Region (PLANNER). INFLIBNET has made an attempt to organize this event in collaboration with universities and other academic institutions located in North East.. This Convention will provide a unique forum to the library professionals, information providers and users involved in automation and networking of libraries to come together and interact on the subjects of mutual interest in the region. First PLANNER is being organized for the professionals in the North Eastern region at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya during November 6-7, 2003. In future, this special event would regularly be held at other parts of the North Eastern universities/institutions on rotational basis OBJECTIVES OF PLANNER The aim of the conference is to discuss emerging trends in the field of libraries with special focus on North Eastern Region. PARTICIPATION This Convention provides a unique opportunity to the following delegates. v Academicians and researchers looking for information access facilities to enhance academic pursuits in North Eastern Region v Librarians of University, Colleges and R & D institutions and their professional colleagues in North Eastern Region v Faculty members from library and information science departments in North Eastern Region v Information Scientists and professionals engaged in library automation and networking in North Eastern Region v Professionals working in R & D libraries in North Eastern Region v Information providers, consultants and user in North Eastern Region v Professionals from other academic institutions in North Eastern Region v Computer professionals in North Eastern Region "Professionals from other parts of the country can also participate." VENUE The convention will be held at North Eastern Hill University, Mayurbhang Complex, Shillong, Meghalaya THEME OF THE CONVENTION In changing scenario of Indian Libraries, INFLIBNET has played major role in bringing IT culture and establishing infrastructure in Indian Universities. In spite of major initiatives of INFLIBNET, libraries encounter manifold problems and uneven developments, but major problem is the emergence of new technologies. E-resources, digital libraries, search engines, Library Consortia, Standards and formats are some important issues, which need discussion. Keeping all the above issues in mind, the Programme Committee has selected the theme of the convention The main theme of the PLANNER � 2003 is "Automation of Libraries in North East Region: Trends Issues and Challenges". The sub-themes and the topics to be covered under each sub-themes are given below. Sub Themes : 1. IT based Activities 2. Emergency of Consortia 1. IT based Activities The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have brought revolutionary changes in handling delivering and storage of information. The transition of traditional library collections to digital or virtual collections presented the librarian with new opportunities and challenges. The internet, especially WWW has given the librarian a new dynamic role to play in the society and serve the new information based in better ways than every before, Because of the powerful features of web i.e. distributed, heterogeneous, collaborative, multimedia, Standards and Protocols, architecture, world wide web has revolutionized the way people access information and has opened up new possibilities in areas such as digital libraries, Virtual libraries, efficient information retrieval and dissemination. Topic under this sub-theme are:- v Library automation v Database Development v Standards and Protocol v Search Engines v Electronic Document Delivery v Digital library 2. Emergency of Consortia The recent development of library consortia can be considered a major step towards library cooperation. Impact of electronic resources on collection development; new developments in e-journal licensing, various pricing models of consortia, the roles of librarians, and library consortia has brought revolutionary changes in the field of Library and information science. It is important to notice the initiative of INFLIBNET at national level for subscription of e-journals for entire academic community which will provide better, easier and faster access to number of electronic journals to the end uses. In order to obtain the benefits of electronic journals, INFLIBNET has taken up number of initiatives at national level. It is appropriate to discuss following topics under consortia. v UGC-INFONET v Library Consortia v Electronic Publishing v E-Journal Subscription v Copy right and IPR INFLIBNET Centre: Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre is a major mission of the UGC initiated in 1991 with an objective to automate and network libraries in Academic and R & D System to facilitate resources sharing at different levels and promote scholarly communication among academicians and researchers in the country. Till now, 142 universities have been funded by the UGC under this programme for automation and networking. Creation of national union databases, development of an integrated library management software (SOUL) human resources development, on-site training. Providing bibliographic information services, extending technical help and guidance from time to time to academic libraries in automation and networking are some of major activities of the INFLIBNET Center. Very soon center is going to play major role in E-learning. A number of modules are under development on different subject, which will be mounted on centre�s web site for facilitating distance education through e-learning. UGC has signed on MOU with ERNET India for establishing UGC INFONET linking about 170 universities, UGC Regional Centres and IUC�s. This network will also have connectivity to internet. INFLIBNET will play a major role in content creation for this network. To create awareness about library automation and spread IT culture among library professionals, INFLIBNET has started organizing INFLIBNET Regional Training Programme on Library Automation (IRTPLA) in different regions of the country. Recently INFLIBNET has initiated subscription of the E-Journals for academic libraries in India. INFLIBNET has played major role in library automation. SOUL designed and developed by INFLIBNET, which is cost affective and user friendly software has been installed in 170 universities/institutions. NORTN EASTERN HILL UNIVERSITY North Eastern Hill University was set up by an Act of Parliament and notified on 19th July 1973. The objectives of the university as laid down in the Act are �To disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional and research facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit; to pay special attention to the improvement of the social and economic conditions and welfare of the people of the hill areas of the Northeastern region, and in particular, their intellectual, academic and culture advancement� Presently University has 6 schools headed by Dean of the School.. These schools are school of Economics, Management and Information Science, School of Human and Environmental studies, School of Humanities and Education, School of Life Sciences, School of Physical Sciences, and school of Social sciences. There are total of total of 22 departments working under these schools NEHU library has rich collection and caters to the needs of the academic community of the University. Presently total collection of the library is 2,16,095 of bibliographic records. Library Catalogue is accessible through OPAC to the users. There are many special collection in the library and one of the most important is on �North Eastern Books�. NEHU is actively participating INFLIBNET Programme. SUBMISSION OF PAPERS We solicit your submissions of papers in any areas of the theme and the sub themes, which explore issues in effectively and efficiently informing users through information technology. Papers based on research, practical experience and survey will only be accepted for presentation and inclusion in the pre-convention volume. Full papers, on different themes, as per the standard formats should reach the Editors directly on or before 30th September 2003. Papers should not exceed 10 single spaced pages (Use A4 Format, Times 12 Pt font, Margins: Left � 3 cm, others � 2 cm ). The cover page must contain: a resume of about 150 words 3-5 keywords, names and affiliation of author(s) author�s e-mail, phone, fax, postal address along with passport size photograph. Full papers should be submitted in MS word by email or on Floppy to the editors. All accepted abstracts would be published in the conference proceedings. Paper on IT based activities should be sent to the following editor Dr. Narendra Lahkar Department of Library & Information Science 100, GU Campus, Gauhati University, Guwahati � 781 014 (India) Phone : (0361) 2571954 ( O) 2571257 ( R) Mobile: (98640) 53349 e-mail: Paper on consortia should be sent to the following editor Prof. Mrs.) Veena Saraf Head, Deptt. of Library Science NEHU, Shillong � 793 014 (Meghalaya) Phone : 091 �0364 � (O)231617 (R) 550932 E-mail : or REGISTRATION FEE : The Delegate registration fee is Rs 500/- The delegates will be provided with convention kit, Proceedings volume, lunch and tea (On two convention days only) TA/DA and accommodation charges will have to be borne by sponsoring organization/participants. Please send your completed registration form along with the registration fee through Demand Draft drawn in favour of Organising Secretary, PLANNER � 2003, payable at Shillong to Mrs. I MaJaw, Organising Secretary PLANNER � 2003 not later than September 30, 2003. DD should be drawn on nationalized banks only. Please note that delegate registration fee of Rs 500/- for the PLANNER, does not include accommodation fee. Students and retired library professional can register by paying Rs 200/- Only. TUTORIALS INFLIBNET will be organizing two tutorials on 6th November 2003 on following topic. Tutorial fee is Rs 100/- per delegates. 1. Building up of Digital Libraries 2. How to set up LAN in Libraries Experts in respective fields will conduct these tutorials. The focus will be on practical aspects and problem solving. Each tutorial will be of three hour duration. Both the tutorials will be held in parallel, from 9.30 � 12.30 hrs. The charges per tutorial is Rs. 100/- and is to be paid in advance by DD to the �Organising Secretary, PLANNER � 2003� payable at Shillong on or before September 30, 2003. The fee covers tutorial materials and tea. CONVENTION DATES The PLANNER-2003 is spread over two days from November 6-7, 2003. The inaugural session will be held on November 6, 2003 in the forenoon. The tutorial and technical sessions will be held on immediately after inauguration. ACCOMMODATION Please note that accommodation has to be booked in advance by making payment. Arrangements are being made to accommodate the delegates in Guest Houses / Hostels furnished with adequate amenities. Delegates who need accommodation may send Rs. 300/- as accommodation booking fee along with the registration fee. For any accompanying person, additional fee of Rs. 300/- per person may be sent. Delegates may indicate request for accommodation in the registration form. This will be done on first come first served basis. Person desirous of staying only in Hotel may kindly contact Organising Secretary for rates and availability. Mrs. I Majaw Organising Secretary, PLANNER � 2003 University Library North Eastern Hill University Mayurbhanj Complex, Shillong � 793 014(Meghalaya) Phone : 091- 0364 � 2231682(Off..); 2547985 (Res.) All queries may be sent to : Mr. Prem Chand Chief Coordinator, PLANNER � 2003 Scientist � C, INFLIBNET Center (An IUC of UGC) P.B.NO 4116, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad � 380009 Phone 091-079 - 6305971, 6304695 (Off.); 7548670(Res.) Fax : 091-079 - 6300990, 6307816 E-mail : Programme Committee: Chairman: Dr. T A V Murthy, Director, INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad ( Gujarat) Convenor: Sh. K. Prakash, INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad ( Gujarat) Members: 1.Sh. M. Maltesh, Asstt. Librarain, Arunachal Pradesh University, (Arunachal Pradesh) 2.Sh. Umesh Gohel, INFLIBNET Centre, Technical Advisor, (Gujarat) 3.Mrs. Lucy Bendang Nagaland University, Kohima, (Nagaland) 4.Mrs. Sumana Chakravarty , Information Scientist, Tezpur Univerisity, Tezpur, (Assam) 5.Sh. Joteen Singh Information Scientist, Manipur University, (Manipur) 6.Miss Lalremsiami, Mizoram University, Aizwal, (Mizoram) 7.Ms. Jacklin, Lecturer, NEHU, Shillong (Meghalaya) 8.Sh. Firstborn Sumer, Information Scientist,NEHU, Shillong (Meghalaya) 9.Sh. Themsu Imchen, Assistant Librarian, Lumami Campus (Nagaland) 10.Sh. U.K. Gogoi, Deputy Librarian, Dibrugarh University (Assam) 11.Sh. Jayanta Bhattacharjee, Information Scientist, Assam University, Silchar (Assam) 12.Dr. H S Chatkraborty, Deputy Librariabn, Tripura University. ( Tripura) GOVERNING COMMITTEE:- Chief Patrons : Prof. Arun Nigavekar, Chairman, University Grants Commission, New Delhi Patrons : 1.Sh. Mihsalan Suchiang, Ministry of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Meghalaya 2.Prof. Mrinal Miri, Vice chancellor, NEHU, Shillong ( Meghalaya) 3.Dr. S Ramani, Chairman, Governing Board, INFLIBNET 4.Sh. T.L. Thanga, Secretary (IAS) NEC, Shillong (Meghalaya ) 5.Prof. T Mibang, Vice Chancellor, Arunchal Pradesh University (Arunachal Pradesh) 6.Prof. P Bhattacharya, Vice Chancellor, Tejpur University (Assam) 7.Dr. K Pathak, Vice Chancellor, Dibrugarh University (Assam) 8.Prof. S C Saha, Vice Chancellor, Assam University, Silchar (Assam) 9.Dr. G N Talukdar, Vice Chancellor, Gauhati University, Guwahati (Assam) 10.Dr. K. Bijoy Singh, Vice Chancellor, Manipur University, Imphal (Manipur) 11.Dr. Dalip Kumar Basu, Vice Chancellor, Tripura University, Agrtala (Tripura ) 12.Dr. A K . Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Mizoram University, Aizwal (Mizoram) 13.Prof. G D Sharma,Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University, Kohima (Nagaland) PLANNER � 2003 PROGRAMME SCHEDULE November 6-7, 2003 November 6, 2003 � Thursday 0800 1100 hrs. : Registration 0930 12.00 hrs : Tutorials (Parallel Session) 1205 1230 hrs : Inaugural Session 123 0 1330 hrs : Lunch 1345 1530 hrs : Technical Session 1530 1545 hrs : Tea 1545 1700 hrs : Technical Session 1715 1815 hrs : Cultural Section 1830 1930 hrs : Dinner November 7, 2003 0900 1100 hrs : Technical Session 1100 1115 hrs : Tea 1115 1300 hrs : Technical Session 1300 1400 hrs : Lunch 1400 1530 hrs : Technical Session 1530 1545 hrs : Tea 1545 1645 hrs : Panel Discussion 1645 1730 hrs : Valedictory / Concluding Session Note : If necessary, the technical sessions will be held in Parallel. The Schedule is tentative and is subject to Change. ---------------------------------------- __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! 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JK Vijayakumar