Dear professional this has been the DRTC Colloquium on the following topic. you all are invited for this Colloquium. INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE DOCUMENTATION RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTRE 8TH MILE, MYSORE ROAD, BANGALORE 560059 DRTC Colloquium CHANGING PARADIGM OF INFORMATION LANDSCAPE. ABSTRACT The information landscape like everything else is rapidly changing. Some of the most important factors that are driving this transformation are: a) The revolution brought about by I.T and its impact. b) Increasing informatization of the society resulting from the growing importance of information in the knowledge society. Given this, it is important to take cognizance of the changes that have taken place in the information world.This first colloquium for the current academic year seeks to provide a birds eye view of the major changes that have taken place in the information world.This colloquium is also intended to set the backdrop for other colloquia . SPEAKERS TOPICS 1. Randhir Kumar : Overview on Information landscapes. 2. Sukla Chakroborty : Introduction. 3. Sucheta Lahiri : Changes in respect to Information Institutions. 4. Hema Singh : Changes in respect to Information users. 5. Protiti Majumdar : Changes in respect to Information storage Media. 6. Samiksha Yadav : Changes in respect to Information access and search. 7. Ananya Sarkar : Changes in respect to Information handling and processing. 8. Neha Singh : Changes in respect to Information transfer and dissemination. 9. Md. Ehtesham : Conclusion. Venue : DRTC Classroom Date : 5th oct 2005. Time : 2.00 P.M. All are cordially invited. Dr. K.S. Raghavan. (Colloquium Coordinator). Pradyot S. Bharatkar Associateship in Documentation & Information Science (ADIS Ist year) DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, 8th Mile Mysore Road, RV College PO, Bangalore- 560059. Email & web site: pradyot@drtc.isibang.ac.in http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/~pradyot (/wwwisis) --------------------------------- To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre. Dear professional this has been the DRTC Colloquium on the following topic. you all are invited for this Colloquium. INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE DOCUMENTATION RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTRE 8 TH MILE, MYSORE ROAD, BANGALORE 560059 DRTC Colloquium CHANGING PARADIGM OF INFORMATION LANDSCAPE. ABSTRACT The information landscape like everything else is rapidly changing. Some of the most important factors that are driving this transformation are: a) The revolution brought about by I.T and its impact. b) Increasing informatization of the society resulting from the growing importance of information in the knowledge society. Given this, it is important to take cognizance of the changes that have taken place in the information world.This first colloquium for the current academic year seeks to provide a birds eye view of the major changes that have taken place in the information world.This colloquium is also intended to set the backdrop for other colloquia . SPEAKERS TOPICS 1. Randhir Kumar : Overview on Information landscapes. 2. Sukla Chakroborty : Introduction. 3. Sucheta Lahiri : Changes in respect to Information Institutions. 4. Hema Singh : Changes in respect to Information users. 5. Protiti Majumdar : Changes in respect to Information storage Media. 6. Samiksha Yadav : Changes in respect to Information access and search. 7. Ananya Sarkar : Changes in respect to Information handling and processing. 8. Neha Singh : Changes in respect to Information transfer and dissemination. 9. Md. Ehtesham : Conclusion. Venue : DRTC Classroom Date : 5 th oct 2005. Time : 2.00 P.M. All are cordially invited. Dr. K.S. Raghavan. (Colloquium Coordinator) . Pradyot S. Bharatkar http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/40.gif http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/40.gif http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/40.gif http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/40.gif Associateship in Documentation & Information Science (ADIS Ist year) DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, 8th Mile Mysore Road, RV College PO, Bangalore- 560059. Email & web site: pradyot@drtc.isibang.ac.in http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/~pradyot http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/~pradyot (/wwwisis) To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail/uk/taglines/default/security_centre/*http://uk.s... Yahoo! Security Centre .
participants (1)
pradyot bharatkar