?Classic articles in physics-jan 19 request

There was a request in our forum on jan 19 asking for the ? two classic articles in physics:it follows as... We wish to acquire the following two articles. If anybody has these articles, could you please send us the pdf of the same (or hardcopy at the address mentioned below, in case pdf is not possible). The articles requested are : 1. Arkiv for Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik, 1942, v.28A (6), p.19- , Alfven,H./ Remarks on the reotation of a magnetized sphere with application to solar rotation. 2. Nature, 1942, v.150, p.405-406, Alfven,H./ Existence of electromagnetic-hydrodynamic waves. The article with serial number two was available over the internet and that with the number first with a broken link and was not accessible.I mailed for assistance for locating it to the Science Reference Librarian of Library of Congress and the British Library.The very next day the Reference Librarian of the British Library responded that it was available there and a processing fees of 10 pound(approx) may be sent to customer service division to procure it.The science Reference Librarian Of LOC was kind enough to sent the scanned pdf file free of any processing charge of the same under fair use privilege for our Library. So it will be useful for all of us to make use of online reference services of the great libraries LOC and the British Library for Precise Information search. The Interesting thing is that the mail bounced back twice when i emailed to the person who requested the articles in our forum ... ;-) Jasimudeen.s MG University Library Kottayam Kerala -- *Life is like a book:what matter is how good it is ,not how long it is" * -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
jasim s