Professor of Library and Information Science with Specialisation in Information Practices (Sweden)

Professor of Library and Information Science with Specialisation in Information Practices Ref PA 2018/305 Our ambition is to be a complete seat of learning where the students come first. In collaboration with private industry and with the public sector, we provide education and research of high international quality, and great social relevance. The University of Borås has around 11,000 students and 730 employees, and our campus is conveniently located in the city centre. We conduct research in Library and Information Science, Business and IT, The Human Perspective in Care, Teacher Education and Education Work, Resource Recovery and Textiles and Fashion. The University of Borås has the right to award five types of doctoral degrees and to conduct research within four areas: Library and Information Science, Resource Recovery, Textiles and fashion (general as well as design) and The Human Perspective in Care. The Swedish School of Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT comprises various sub-research areas, one of which focuses on information practices. Within this field of research, this department known as the Swedish School of Library and Information Science has a number of senior researchers and newly-minted PhDs. For this department, we are seeking a professor in library and information science with a focus on information practices. We can offer a varied work in a future-oriented organisation with a view to becoming a full university. *Job description*The post includes the responsibility for and further development of the research environment in the department and leadership of the research group Information Practices in Library and Information Science in close cooperation with the area's other researchers and instructors. The research focusses on the interactions of individuals and groups with information and documents, which includes information retrieval, information use, reading, and strategic information management. More information about the group's research is available at A professor is expected to initiate and lead research projects as well as conduct research within the relevant research area. The professor is also expected to function as research group leader and in doing so work for the area's development according to the directives described in the directives in “University-wide research group leader assignment” (Reg.130-17, Swedish only). A significant part of the work is devoted to conducting one's own research and communicating research results internationally. The post also includes teaching, certain administrative tasks, and development of the department's educational work, courses, and research seminars. Teaching consists of, among other things, the supervision of doctoral students and Master's students, as well as lectures and seminars. Instruction is mainly focussed on the department's educational programmes in library and information science at the graduate level, but also education in other programmes may occur. Collaboration with the Faculty's representatives from other disciplines and research areas, as well as with societal actors in the profession, is an important part of the post. It also includes developing strategic international contacts in the field of research. *Qualifications*For the post, a doctorate in library and information science as well as demonstrated pedagogical competence are required. Applicants should have demonstrated scientific skill and experience in the subject documented with scientific publications. Furthermore, applicants should be able to present innovative research at a high international level and be published internationally in key research journals and/or monographs for this field. Substantial experience as principal supervisor at both the Master's and doctoral student level is a requirement for employment. Applicants must have undergone research supervision training or otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge. Supervisor training for doctoral students can be offered within the framework of the post. In addition, the applicant is to have undergone university instructor training involving at least 10 weeks full-time study (15 credits) or otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge. To fit the role, you should have very good collaborative and communication skills as well as the ability to initiate and develop research collaboration. You must also have the ability to communicate unhindered orally and in writing in English and Swedish or another Scandinavian language. We also value leadership experience from a university or a university college, as well as proven success with obtaining research funding in competition with others. If knowledge in Swedish (or another Scandinavian language) is lacking, it is expected that this will be acquired after the start of employment. The University of Borås values the qualities that equal sex and age distribution and ethnic and cultural diversity bring to the university. *Type of employment*: Permanent *Level of employment*: 100 % *Beginning date*: As soon as possible or as agreed upon *Location*: Borås, Sweden *Reference number*: PA 2018/305 *Contact* Information about the position can be provided by Assistant Head of Department Åsa Söderlind via telephone +46 (0)33-435 41 46 or Research Director Jan Nolin via telephone +46 (0)33-435 43 36. The union representatives are Jonas Andersson, OFR-ST, Håkan Alm, Saco-S and Susanne Björkdahl Ordell, OFR/Lärarförbundet; they can be reached through the university’s switchboard at +46 (0)33-435 40 00. *Application*Apply for this position via our website through clicking “Apply” at the bottom of the job advertisement. In your application, please clearly include the information on which position you are applying for and provide its reference number. Please attach the following documents to your online application: 1. Cover letter 2. CV including your references’ contact information and your salary requirements 3. Portfolio of qualifications, meaning a written account of your qualifications both scientific and pedagogic and documentation of your teaching skills, including self-assessment. A template for this portfolio can be found under “Policy documents” in the menu. 4. List of publications 5. At most seven published works or other material of merit you want to attach 6. Certifications/credentials and other such official qualification documentation Contact HR if you have scientific publications that cannot be electronically attached directly to your application. The publications need to be obtained by the university no later than one week after the application deadline, in two copies each. No additions can be made electronically to the application after the application deadline. Please submit your application by the *deadline of 2018-12-10*. The Swedish National Archives requires us to archive the documents attached to an application, excluding publications, for two years after the appointment decision has become final. We decline contact with advertisers and staffing companies. URL to this page -- Thanks & Regards *S Paramjit Rana | **Librarian *| M.A., M. Phil. Tel. +91 9968 308970, 9911 270778 *"Vidya Vichari Ta Parupkari"* P please consider the environment before printing this email !!!
participants (1)
Paramjit Singh