Call For Papers - Festschrift Volume in honour of Dr. B.S. Kademani, BARC, Mumbai.

*Dear Sir/Madam,*
*Greetings !*
*Dr. Basavaraj Shivappa Kademani *popularly known as *Dr. BSK* is one of
the renowned LIS professionals and Scientific Library Administrator in
India. He is known for his Excellence in Innovation, Creativity, Public
Relations, Management, and User Services. Above all, he is a great human
being, source of inspiration and motivator, specially, to the younger minds
and professionals. He will be superannuating on 30th June 2018 after
serving for more than 35 years of dedicated service as a librarian,
administrator and a researcher. He devoted his entire career to the library
profession and its development.
After completing his academics, Dr. Kademani joined Mangalore University
Library, Mangalgangothri on 7th October 1982. He joined the Centre for
Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad on 21st May 1984 and later joined
Scientific Information Resource Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai on 26.10.1988 and presently he is serving in the centre as
Scientific Officer-G and shouldering the major responsibilities in the
He has contributed significantly to Library and Information Science,
specially, in the field of Scientometrics. He has more than 130
publications in National and international Journals to his credit. As on
today he has received 1735 citations to his publications and his H-index is
25. He is also a referee to many national and international professional
journals. He is the recipient of the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) *Fellowship in ‘Library and Scientific Documentation’ *in 1991 at
the Fachinformationzentrum (FIZ), Karlsruhe, Germany and Vienna
International Centre (VIC), Vienna, Austria. He is the recipient of
Librarian Award-2008*’, *SIS Fellowship Award-2009 *and *SATKAL National
Librarian Award-2012* in recognition of his outstanding contributions to
the Library and Information Science field. He was a standing Committee
Member of IFLA’s (International Federation of Library Associations and
Institutions) Science and Technology Libraries Section from India for the
term 2005-2009.
Dr. Kademani served Bombay Science Librarians’ Association (BOSLA) since
1988 in various capacities and presently he is the Chairman of the well
known Association. BOSLA has conducted several conferences, workshops,
capacity building programs and lecture series under his able leadership.
One of the best ways to acknowledge the untiring and dedicated
contributions of Dr. B. S. Kademani is to bring out a Festschrift volume
containing scholarly writings by different eminent professionals across
India in Library and Information Science and Educational Technology. The
BOSLA Executive Committee has decided to release this volume in a grand
felicitation ceremony to be organised in the month of June 2018. The theme
of the festschrift volume has been chosen as “*Metamorphosis of
Librarianship : Connecting People in Digital Environment*”. The articles
can be on any of the LIS themes of your choice not limiting to
scientometrics. Personal memoirs are also invited for inclusion in this
To make this event memorable, we request you to contribute paper on the
above theme or related themes. The maximum length of the paper should be
around 5000 words following the APA style for citations. The paper should
be sent via e-mail (in MS-Word format) to *
participants (1)
Dr. Mallikarjun Angadi