Request Project Proposals

Dear all DSIR under its Technology Information Programme will be establishing Incubation Centres on Content Development and Management. Attached please find the Project details. Interested universities, institututions are requested to forward the proposals( Format A, B and C) to DSIR by January 2006. Wish you all a very happy New Year. With Regards. Mrs.S.Ravindran DSIR Dear all DSIR under its Technology Information Programme will be establishing Incubation Centres on Content Development and Management. Attached please find the Project details. Interested universities, institututions are requested to forward the proposals( Format A, B and C) to DSIR by January 2006. Wish you all a very happy New Year. With Regards. Mrs.S.Ravindran DSIR
participants (1)
Sreedevi Ravindran, Scientist 'G'