Dear Professional Colleague, I remind you that KALA has organised the following two lectures in collaboration with NCSI, IISc 1. Speaker 1: Mr Arthur Smith, Director, OCLC Topic: OCLC and WORLD CAT 2.Speaker 2: Mr Scott Wasinger, CEO, Net Library Topic: E-books and Net Library Date: 7th Dec 2006 at 4.00 PM Venue: Conference Hall, NCSI, IISc, Bangalore YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. PLEASE INFORM YOUR COLLEAGUES AND FRIENDS TOO. Goudar Prof. N.V. Joshi President, KALA Chairman, NCSI, IISc EC Members & Office Bearers, KALA M.Krishnamurthy *************************************** Dr.M.Krishnamurthy,M.A.,M.L.I.Sc.,Ph.D Fulbright Scholar (University of Illinois, USA) Librarian Indian Statistical Institute 8th Mile Mysore Road Bangalore 560059 www.isibang.ac.in/library Ph:91-80-8483002/3 Fax :91-80-28484265
participants (1)
M Krishnamurthy