---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From: "Dr. A.T. Francis"
Date: Sat, May 26, 2018 6:03 pm
Workshop on Research Publishingand Plagiarism
The Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) isorganizing a One Day National
Workshop onâResearch Publishing and Plagiarismâ on 06th June 2018 at
theCollege of Agriculture (CoA), Padannakad, Kasargode
District. University and college teachers, researchersand post graduate
and research students can participate.
Interested participants can do practice in subsequent days of theworkshop
in any College Libraries or University Central Library of KAU.
Thoseattending the workshop will be permitted freely to check similarity
of their theses or papers withinthree months by using the databases and
software available here.Â
There is no registration fee for KAU participants. Rs. 300/- is the
registration fee for Non KAUparticipants. This may be remitted by cashon
the day of workshop or by online / DD payable to the Librarian,
KeralaAgricultural University at State Bank of India, KAU Campus Branch
A/c:57006550740. IFSC CODE: SBIN0070670.
Interested persons should register in advance by sendingthe details: Name,
Designation/Course, Institution, Address and Phone Number
toe-mail:Â library@kau.in.
Selection will be based on first come first servedbasis.
For registration and more details, contact:
1. Dr. V.P. Ajithakumari,Librarian, CoA, Padannakad, Kasargode; 9446280221
2. Dr. K.M. Sreekumar, Professor,CoA, Padannakad, Kasargode: 9447691821
3. Associate Dean, CoA,Padannakad, Kasargode: 0467- 2282699
4. University Librarian, Kerala AgriculturalUniversity, Thrissur: 0487
-Â 2438551
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur - 680 656, India, 91-9496839409 (m)