Lecture on Pleasure of Reading - NLW Celebration at Bangalore Univ

Dear Professional Friends, Karnataka State Library Asoociation (KALA) in collaboration with Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS) has organised a lecture as a part of National Library Week Celebrations. Topic: "Loss of Simple Pleasure of Reading in Digital Era" Speaker: Mrs. Melanie P. Kumar Independent Writer and Literary Critique, Deccan Herald and other Publications Date & Time: Tuesday, 17th Nov 2015 at 3.00 PM Venue: Lecture Hall, Department of Library and Information Science (Upstair of Library Building) Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalre - 560056 You are cordially invited. Prof. M. Verabasavaiah Professor and ChairmanDLIS, Bangalore University Mobile: 9739087367 Land Line: 080-22961404 "Access E-Resources for Academic and Research Excellence" *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -* Dr. I.R.N. Goudar - Adjunct Professor, Mangalore University - Visiting Professor Cum Library Adviser Bangalore University Library, BANGALORE - 560056 - Ex. Visiting Professor Cum Library Adviser, UoM, Mysore - Ex. Scientist 'G' and Head, ICAST, NAL, Bangalore - Ex. Dy Librarian, IITM, Chennai - Ex. Scientist (Information), IICT, Hyderabad - Fulbright Scholar, Univ. of Michigan and Columbia Univ, USA (1995-96) - British Council Scholar (1982-83) E-mail: goudarishwar@gmail.com Tel: 080-23215510 Mob: 91+9611165781 (If not reachable pl try land line) -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Ishwar Goudar