Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 15:28:04 +0530
Dear Mr Arun & friends,
I really wonder whether our scientists deserve (they may desire, though)such
high bandwidth. In my opinion they are incapable of using even the meger
internet bandwidth that they already have. Scientists in India were the
first group of persons to enjoy internet based email via ERNET. I have not
seen many scientists from India (Indians abroad are an exception) taking
part in Newsnet newsgroups in any worthwhile manner. Most of the discussion
fourums started enthusiastically die for want of participation.
INFLIBNET Experts database, after having been in place for over a year does
not have more than 12K profiles. This was based on a very good model of
getting the database self-populated by the community. Compare it with
Community of Science website.
Recently a private firm in Bangalore sent out 3000+ email letters to Indian
scientists - every one of whom is an author of some science paper or the
other - asking them to try out free of charge some web based IT facility
that would help them keep in touch with their colleagues: How many do you
think responded? Not even one percent!
My own experience in having organised JCCC@VIC has not been very encouraging
-- there are no takers for this consortium effort.
Others' experiences may be different but mine are sour.
Vyasamoorthy, P
-----Original Message-----
From: Mailing List Manager []
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 2:58 PM
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Competition spurs broadband in Europe (fwd)
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 09:03:57 +0530
From: Subbiah Arunachalam
Almost everyone in Belgium - at least 98% of them - have broadband access
of 3Mbps or better! Up to six times faster than the service available in
France or Britain. Where do we stand in India? Even our research
scientists cannot boast of such bandwidth. Let us do something about it
and quickly. Our scientists deserve it. Regards.
-Original Message-----
From: Andy Carvin []
Subject: Competition spurs broadband in Europe (fwd)
Also from today's Benton headlines.... -ac
A new report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
suggests that European countries that promote competition among telecom
cable providers show faster adoption of broadband Internet services. The
report warned governments against propping up the telecom industry in
exchange for broadband build-out. "Incumbent operators are using their
economic influence on governments to say, 'If you are nice to us we will
deliver broadband,' but what the OECD numbers show is that competition
between operators is what delivers broadband," said Ewan Sutherland,
director general of the Brussels-based International Telecommunications
Users Group. Evidence shows that Germany, once the leader in broadband
growth, has been overtaken by the more competitive environment in
where 98 percent of the country has access to at least 3Mbps service - up
six times faster than the transmissions available in France or Britain.
United States has fallen from 3rd to 10th in the OECD rankings, primarily
because the prices and speeds offered by phone companies have not matched
those offered by cable. Asian countries have used government subsidies to
stimulate the markets have resulted in additional competition and lower
prices, allowing the region to take the lead in broadband deployment.
SOURCE: E-Commerce News; AUTHORL Jennifer L. Schenker
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