Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 06:03:05 -0800 (PST)
From: SUNIL M.V.
Dear Professional Friends,
MyLISA�wishes to convey a happy and�prosperous�new year to all the LIS
Forum Members.
Mysore Librarians and Information Scientists Association (MyLISA)�is a
professional association established in the year 2001, based at�Mysore.
Its AGM was held recently, 12 members were elected unanimously and 3 were
included by nomination into the Executive Committee. In a meeting of the
EC held on January 2, 2010 the Office Bearers have been selected for the 3
years tenure.�
I am pleased to introduce you the New MyLISA Executive Committee -�
Dr. Mallinath Kumbar, Professor, Department of Library and Information
Science,�University of Mysore, Mysore
Mr. Nagaraja S., Chief Librarian,�Regional Institute of Education�(NCERT),
Mr. K.L. Basappa, Librarian, Jayachamarajendra�College of
Engineering�(JCE), Mysore
Joint Secretary:�
Ms. T.N. Vani, Librarian, Chamarajendra�College of Visual Arts�(CAVA),
Ms. M.R. Prathibha, Librarian, Marimallappa's First Grade College, Mysore
Public Relations Officer:�
Mr. Sunil M.V., Librarian, SDM Institute for�Management
Development�(SDMIMD), Mysore
Dr. Shalini R. Urs, Professor and Executive Director,�
International School of Information Management (ISiM), University of
Mysore, Mysore
Mr. H.Y. Mahakuteshwar
Head - FOSTIS,�Central Food Technology�and Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore
Dr. N.S. Harinarayana, Reader
Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Mysore
Dr. M. Chandrashekar,�Reader
Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Mysore
Ms. H.S. Umadevi
Chief Librarian, JSS College for Women (Autonomous), Mysore
Mr. I. Nargund
Chief Librarian, Rare Material Project (RMP), Mysore
Mr. Siddalingaswamy
Librarian, JSS Arts, Science and Commerce College, Mysore
Mr. Harish, H.Y.
Librarian,�National College of Engineering�(NIE), Mysore
Mr. Rudrappa S. K.
Librarian, SJCE�College of Business Management, Manasagangotri, Mysore
With best wishes,
Sunil MV
SDM Institute for Management Development
No. 1, Chamundi Hill Road
Siddartha Nagar, Mysore
Phone : 0821 - 2420490/491 2429722/161
Fax: 0821-2425557