Sad Demise of Dr. Padma Upadhya in Manipal

Dear Porfessional Colleagues, Many of you might know Dr. Padma Upadhya from Manipal. It is with deep sorrow to inform you that Dr. Padma suddenly demised yesterday in Manipal due to some health problem. Padma completed her MLIS from Mangalore University in early 80s and started her career as Asst. Librarian at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. She was awarded PhD from Mysore University in 1999 for her research carried out under the supervision of Dr. I K Ravichandra Rao [DRTC] Later, she moved to teach system related courses in Manipal Institute of Management
From Manipal she moved to Delhi on Govt of India Research Project to promote computer literacy among rural youths and from there she moved to institutions like Indian Business Academy, AIMS, Alliance Business Academy at Bangalore.
From ABA she came back to Manipal and started Computer Training Institute in collaboration GNIT and started Abacus Institute of Management in collaboration with Abacus.
She had tremondous potential to take many initiatives and absorb the challenges in life and profession. She had achieved lot in short span of life. We librarians in Manipal were working as small family member for workshops, seminars and other professional activities. Dr. Padma is survived by her husband, two daughters [elder completed her BE in Aeronatical Engg and younger studying PU], aged parents, younger sisters. Being eldest daughter, she took the responsibility of her sisters' marriage. We Librarians from Manipal experess our heartfelt condolenses to the daparted soul and pray the almighty to give strength to her family to withstand the great loss. Manjunatha ------------------------ Dr. Manjunatha K, Chief Librarian, T.A. PAI Management Institute, P.B. No. 9, Manipal - 576 104. Udupi Dist., Karnataka, India +91 0820-2701105 (off) / 2575161(Res); -------------------------- -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

I am deeply saddened to know about the demise of Dr. Padma Upadyaya, an
alumni of the Department of Library and Information Science, University of
Mysore, Mysore. May the God rest her soul in peace. My condolences to her
grieved family members, friends and professional colleagues.
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Manjunath K
Dear Porfessional Colleagues,
Many of you might know Dr. Padma Upadhya from Manipal.
It is with deep sorrow to inform you that Dr. Padma suddenly demised yesterday in Manipal due to some health problem.
Padma completed her MLIS from Mangalore University in early 80s and started her career as Asst. Librarian at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. She was awarded PhD from Mysore University in 1999 for her research carried out under the supervision of Dr. I K Ravichandra Rao [DRTC]
Later, she moved to teach system related courses in Manipal Institute of Management
From Manipal she moved to Delhi on Govt of India Research Project to promote computer literacy among rural youths and from there she moved to institutions like Indian Business Academy, AIMS, Alliance Business Academy at Bangalore.
From ABA she came back to Manipal and started Computer Training Institute in collaboration GNIT and started Abacus Institute of Management in collaboration with Abacus.
She had tremondous potential to take many initiatives and absorb the challenges in life and profession. She had achieved lot in short span of life.
We librarians in Manipal were working as small family member for workshops, seminars and other professional activities.
Dr. Padma is survived by her husband, two daughters [elder completed her BE in Aeronatical Engg and younger studying PU], aged parents, younger sisters. Being eldest daughter, she took the responsibility of her sisters’marriage.
We Librarians from Manipal experess our heartfelt condolenses to the daparted soul and pray the almighty to give strength to her family to withstand the great loss.
*Dr. Manjunatha K,***
*Chief Librarian,***
*T.A. PAI Management Institute,***
*P.B. No. 9,***
*Manipal - 576 104.***
*Udupi Dist., Karnataka, India***
+91 0820-2701105 (off) / 2575161(Res);
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-- N.S. Harinarayana Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore, Manasagangotri Mysore 570 006 Off. Ph: (0821) 2419393 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (2)
Manjunath K
N.S. Harinarayana